
发布 2023-03-10 02:12:28 阅读 5280

unit 1 ****** friends

目标导航:高频度词 grammar sound complete hobby country age dream everyone mountain

friendly world yourself

词组 close to,go to school,(be)good at,make friends with,all over,would like to,listen to music,play basketball,read books

句型 good at swimming and playing basketball.

want to make friends with young people from all over the world!

likes drawing.

like to be your e-friend.

语法 1.学习特殊疑问句的构成与用法。

2.学习冠词 a,an的用法。

交际用语 to my blog. wish

hope to hear from you soon.



from germany我来自德国。

1)be from 来自,相当于come from,后接地点名词。

2)germany德国,国家名称,germany 德国的、德国人、德语。本句课转换成其他说法,意思不变。如:

i come from germany我来自德国=i am a germany.我是德国人。

live with my family in a house close to some mountains.


close to接近、在。近旁,指时间或空间上的靠近。close在此是形容词。

如:mr smith bought a new flat close to his office.


the factory is close to the school.这家工厂离着锁学校很近。

h**e an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

elder 是old的比较级,意为‘年长的,较大的’,通常做定语放于名词前,old还有一个比较级为older. 可以表示年龄更大或者更旧的,通常放于be后面,做表语。

younger brother弟弟 younger sister妹妹

elder sister姐姐 elder brother哥哥。

i h**e an elder sister and an elder brother. 我有一个姐姐,一个哥哥。

my english book is older than yours. but my math book is newer than yours.

go to school by school bus.

by school bus乘校车,不是出行的方式,在句中做状语。相同的结构有by bike by plane.

we will visit hong kong by ship next sunday.

his father often goes to work by bike.

like my school because the teachers are all very friendly.

1) because因为,连词在句中引导原因状语从句,说明原因。

如:he had to stay at home because it was raining he**ily.

tom doesn’t go to school because he is ill today.

2) be friendly 友好的、友善的be friendly to sb. 对某人友好。

my classmates are friendly to me.

the children here are friendly with one another.

dream is to be an engineer.我的理想是当一名工程师。

to be an engineer成为一名工程师。

good at swimming and playing basketball.

be good at 擅长,at后名词性质的词,如果后接的是动词,则使用动名词的形式,即动词加

ing的形式。如:he is good at maths. lucy is good at dacing.

want to make friends with young people from all over the world.

1)want to do想要做。不定式to do在want后做宾语,want后也可以直接用名词作宾语。

i want some water. can you give me some?

they want to visit beijing next week.他们下周想要参观北京。

2)make friends with...与。交朋友,friend 用复数形式。如:

the new comer has already made friends with us.新同事已经和我们交上朋友了。

tom makes friends with his new classmates soon.汤姆很快就和他的新同学交了朋友。

3)all over the world全世界,all over遍及,到处,后接表范围的地点名词,相同结构的有:

all over the country,all over the school.

i want to tr**el all over the world.我想周游世界。

i looked all over the house to find my glasses.我找遍了整个房间才找到了我的眼镜。

email us your answer to these questions.请用电子邮件吧这些答案发给我们。

email sb sth.有电子邮件给某人发送某物。

my friend emailed me some beautiful photos yesterday.

=my friend emailed some beautiful photos to me yesterday.


subjects do you like best?

like..best 最喜欢。best在此是副词well 的最高级,修饰实义动词不是:十分、最。

如:they are good friends. they know each other best.他们是好朋友,他们非常了解对方。

my brother plays basketball best.


) is___to others,so most of us want to make___with her.

) is my___is two years___than me.

) animal do you like___a hare,a monkey or a panda?

) dream is___in the sky.

fly ) was wanted___a good sleep.

) family went to a mountain village___last holiday.

bikes train foot

) email___your photo.

)8.--do you come i can speak___well.


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