
发布 2022-07-22 16:51:28 阅读 1945

unit1 ****** friends


1. your f**orite hobby

play table tennis(乒乓)/ badminton(羽毛球)/ rugby(橄榄球)/tennis(网球)/chess象棋。

play the piano/violin(小提琴)do exercise锻炼身体,go swimming, go skiing滑雪。

2. the format of a letter写信的格式,how to write a letter


a letter to your friend usually contains the following information包含的内容。

hobby, your family members, your age, height身高,study(学习情况,包括your best subject最好的科目),your body, weather等。

介绍家庭成员时,通常通过a photo of your family members

how to describe a photo?怎样描述一副**呢?

position 他们所处的位置(方位词)

on the left在左边,on the right在右边,stand in the middle站在中间,next to在某某旁边,见p6. 人+方位。

翻译:左边的第几个,the first/second/third…on/from the left

右边的第二个,the second person on the right.

中间的那一个,the person in the middle.

3. how to describe job?

he works as a teacher他是一名老师。或he is a teacher.

job: accountant会计师, engineer工程师 he is the captain on our primary school basketball team.他是我们小学篮球队队长。

4. 形容词及优美词组。

she is very friendly to her students.她对她的学生很友好,和蔼。或是,be kind to sb.

keen on sth,热衷于某事, 例如,my sister is keen on art.

to do sth, 渴望做某事,例如,he is keen to be the best football player in the future.

或是enjoy sth /doing sth help sb with sth

5. weather p13

four seasons, in the spring/summer/autumn/winter

sunny晴天/cloudy多云/ windy刮风的/rainy下雨的/snowy下雪的 cool凉爽的、warm、cold、hot

时间表达法:at the beginning of this month这个月的开头。

at the end of this year年尾 in the middle of summer中夏。

the rainy days in guangzhou last for 20 days in the spring.

6. 短语收到某人的来信。

xiaoming hears from his penpal. 或,xiaoming gets a letter from his penfriend.

language points:

1. wh-questions对划线部分进行提问。

my f**orite sport is tennis.

my father works as an engineer.

i live in guangzhou.

my birthday is on july25th.

i go to school on foot.

there are 3 people in my family.

my sister has 100 yuan in her desk.

my mother is 35 years old.

2. a, an, the 的区别。

a后面接以辅音发音开头的名词,如,a desk.

an 后面接以元音发音开头的名词,如,an apple,20个元音。其中单元音12个。双元音8个。1. 单元音12个。

/i:/,i/, eu:/,u

双元音8个 (/ei/, ai/, i/, au/, u/, i/, u/,

注意混淆的地方,__hour. there’s __u” in the word “euroupe”

the 的用法如下:一般表特指。如下:


1. 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。

give me the book.

did you hear the talk given by mr li?

how do you like the film.

h**e you got the letter?

2. 指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。

where is the teacher?

open the door.

3. 复述上文提过的人或事物。

i h**e a beautiful wallet, but the wallet was stolen yesterday.

4. 世界上独一无二的事物等(月亮、地球、天空、宇宙)

the sun rises in the east.

the earth goes round the sun.

the globe, the universe.

the atmosphere大气层

5. 用在方位名词前

in the south, in the west ,in the north

6. 用在序数词或形容词最高级前

the first thing i want to say is to listen carefully in class.

he is the tallest one in our class.


the older of the two noblemen took a light.

he is the taller of the two boys.

8. 用在单数可数可数名词前表示一类人或事物。

the horse is a useful animal.

9. 定冠词用在形容词前,表示一类人或东西。

the rich, the poor ,the wounded ,the deaf

10. 冠词可用在党派、阶级、民族名词前

the chinese people中华民族

the working class 工人阶级

the communist party


the lius live upstairs.

the johns are watching tv.


the piano the violin


in the morning in the afternoon


the man standing by the gate is li feng.


he received a blow on the head


john’s brother took him by the hand.



in the 1980s或in the 1980’s 20世纪80年代

in the nineteenth century 二十世纪



the changjang river 长江

the hudson river 哈得孙河

the west lake 西湖

the pacific ocean 太平洋

the yellow sea 黄海

the suez canal 苏伊士运河

the english channel 英吉利海峡

the persian gulf 波斯湾

the british isles 布列颠群岛


the great wall 长城

the summer palace 颐和园

the united states 美国

the october revolution 十月革命

the chinese people’s liberation army 中国人民解放军

the long march 长征


the great hall of the people 人民大会堂

the museum of chinese history 历史博物馆


the united nations 联合国

the department of education 教育部


new year’s day 新年,元旦

women’s day 妇女节

labour day 劳动节

children’s day儿童节

april fools’ day愚人节

national day国庆节

thanksgiving day感恩节

christmas day圣诞节


unit 1 friends 目标导航 高频度词 grammar sound complete hobby country age dream everyone mountain friendly world yourself 词组 close to,go to school,be good at,...

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unit 1 一 单元总述。一 教学目标 1 基础知识 语法 序数词和基数词。任务 问卷调查不同国家人的居住情况并写一篇自己的梦想之家的短文。2 基本技能 通过听 说 读 写掌握本单元的对话 短文和相关词汇,并运用新词汇来谈论各自不同的居住情况。3 情感态度 激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,在了解本单元...