
发布 2023-03-09 09:26:28 阅读 4415

unit 5 why do you like pandas?

重点短语kind of 有点,稍微 a kind of 一种want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 want sth 想要某物。

let sb do sth 让某人做某事 like to do sth 喜欢做某事 h**e a look it ..看。every day 每天

be) made of 由。制成的cut down 砍倒 be quiet 安静get lost 迷路 be in (great)danger 处于(极大)危险中。


of 有点,稍微,用来修饰形容词。why do you like pandas?--because they are kind of interesting.

2.辨析:kind of a kind of all kinds of

pig is __h**e __beautiful flowers in our are __shy.

和interested 的用法区别。

练一练:用interesting或interested 完成。

1.--why are you __in english?--because it’s __i h**e an __mother is __in film.

see the pandas.

此句为祈使句,let为动词,意思是“让。使。let’s 是let us 的缩写。let后加动词原形。

通常句型为let sb (not) do sth 让某人(不)做某事。

do you want to see them?

why “为什么”,特殊疑问词表示询问做某事的原因,需要用because引导的原因状语从句来回答。

why do you like to see koala?because they are smart.

want 动词“想,想要”与would like 同义。

do you want to go to the zoo?你想要去动物园吗?

1)she likes playing basketball because it’s interesting?(对划线提问she like playing basketball?

2)he loves china because he is chinesehe love china?

友好的,和蔼可亲的be friendly to sb 对某人友好。

用friend,friends ,friendly 填空完成句子。

tony is kind of shy .he doesn’t like to make___i am new here,but everyone here is __to me.


what other animals do you like ?你还喜欢其他什么动物?

i h**e many other things to do .我还有许多其他的事情要做。

my sister has two is yellow,__is __animals do you like ?-i like dogs,too.

other连词“因此,所以” adv,“那么,如此”so用作连词时,连接两个句子,后面的句子是前面句子的推论或结果。

english is not easy to learn,__we must work harder.

in danger 处于危险中many kinds of animals are __great d. for

don’t you do sth?“你为什么不做某事?”用来提建议的句型。同义句还有--why not do sth ?

day 与everyday

every day 每天,常用于一般现在时,在句中做状语。he goes to school by bike every day .

everyday 是形容词,意为“日常的”做定语。 everyday life 日常生活。

when does he h**e lunch___a. every day morning

1.--i’m very tired these days(这些天)because of studying for english.

--why not __can make you __

a. listen to;relax to ;to relax to;relax to ;relaxed

2. henry is good with everyone in our always___to all of us.


3.--we h**e five kinds of you like this one? -no,can you show me __

other other

4.--why do you like pandas? -because they are very __

5--what do you think of this book?

-it’s __interesting. of of kind of kind

6--why is john so __to you ?

-because he wants me to help

a.--where __the lions from? -south afric

8---what does the baby like to do ?

-she likes __her play with play to with to

9.--what’s wrong with jim?

-he can’t sleep __night so he can’t get up __the morning.

a. in;at ;in ;in

10.--this is he cute?

i like him very much . isn’t is isn’t is

11.--the song sounds beautiful.

-__it is very difficult to sing. b so

12.--how many elephants are there in the zoo?

--there aren’ b. some

13--_do you like milk?

-because they’re very delicious.

14---the dogs are very interesting,__i like them very much.

a. because; so b, so; because c. so;/ d. because;/

15--what __animals do you like ?

--i like dogs ,tooa. other b. others c. another d. the other

16.--koalas are very lazy.

--they usually sleep and __20 hours every day.


unit5 why do you like pandas?课题 why do you like pandas?第四课时。一 教学目标 一 知识目标 运用所学形容词描述动物。二 能力目标 观察能力,综合分析归纳演绎的能力,听具体信息的能力受学习的快乐。三 情感目标 培养学生表达自己看法意见的勇气。了解...


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七年级英语下册 unit5单词

七年级 下 unit5 单词过关姓名。1.出生。2.同一的。3.令人吃惊的。4.用于比较 倍。5.以前。6.地球。7.骨头。8.后部 9.脂肪。10.通常的adj adv zxxk.11.事实。12.和 一样。13.突然。14.低语 耳语。15.没有人。16.任何人。17.灌木丛。pl18.答复。过...