
发布 2023-03-09 13:23:28 阅读 7915





) 1do you like pandas?

because they’re very cute.

a. what b. when

c. where d. why

) 2.—do you wantsee the elephants?

of course.

a. see b. to see

c. sees d. seeing

) 3. i like dogs because they areinteresting.

a. kindb. kinds of

c. kind of d. a kind of

) 4. let’sto the party tonight.

a. to go b. goes

c. go d. going

) 5. pleasequiet! the monkeyvery shy.

a. is; is b. be; be

c. is; be d. be; is

) 6.—whatdo you like?


a. animals b. subject

c. sport d. movies

) 7.—what animals eat le**es?

i think.

a. koalas b. dolphins

c. tigers d. lions

) 8.—why __you __dogs?

because they’re friendly.

a. does; likes

b. does; like

c. do; likes

d. do; like

) 9. do you oftenyour cats?

a. sleep b. get up

c. play with d. come from

) 10. i can see pandas, tigers, giraffes and some __animals in the zoo.

a. an b. the

c. any d. other



you like lions?


the pandas !


alice koalas because .


animals, because they’re very smart.


there are in the zoo.


the koala.


bob always his friends the day and he stays at home.




wu yuan is the beautiful in china.


there are so many tigers.


it is very 1 in august. a young man comes to a forest(森林). he’s walking near the forest.

on his2 there is a river and on his right is a forest. he comes up to the river and wants to 3 in it. at thattime he sees a tiger looking at him 4 the trees.

it’s going to jump(跳) on him 5 .

what can i do?”the young man is afraid(害怕) and 6 hard. he knows a tiger runs very 7 .

what he can only do is to jump into the river! but there is a very big crocodile(鳄鱼) in it. it’s

金戈铁骑。mouth is 8 and is waiting for him there. he’s standing there and doesn’t know 9 to do.

the tigerjumps over him. but soon the young man sees the tiger is in the 10 of the crocodile.

1. a. cold b. hot c. hungry d. tall

2. a. right b. front c. back d. left

3. a. swim b. pass c. sleep d. visit

4. a. to b. from c. far d. for

5. a. later b. soon c. after d. quick

6. a. eats b. walks c. runs d. thinks

7. a. slow b. soon c. fast d. lazy

8. a. big b. open c. small d. cute

9. a. how b. what c. where d. who

10. a. riverb. back c. eye d. mouth


it is a fine day today. the sky is blue. now it’s nine o’clock in the morning.

there’s a sports meetin the forest on the big mountain.

look, a horse, a panda and a cat are running. over there a dog and two tigers are jumping. twomonkeys are climbing the trees.

four birds are flying around and singing.

there’re some other animals there, too. the elephants are standing. a monkey is sitting on an oldelephant.

the monkey has a flag(旗) in his hand. polly is sitting in a tree. a fox, a baby panda andsome small animals are sitting under the trees.

they are all watching.

1. the sky is___today.

a. white

b. black

c. blue

d. yellow

金戈铁骑。2. _animals are running and jumping.

a. fourteen b. six

c. eleven d. five

3. _are climbing the trees.

a. two monkeys

b. the pandas and the foxes

c. the elephants and the cats

d. the horses and the pandas

4. there’re___at the sports meet.

a. not any birds b. a lot of animals

c. many people d. many monkeys

5. _are sitting under the trees.

a. a tiger, a baby horse and some cats

b. a monkey, a baby cat and some birds











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