
发布 2023-03-09 09:22:28 阅读 4885





subway; train; minute; kilometer; quick; half; past; stop; transportation; north; depend; must; bicycle; ill; worry


get to school 到达学校 take the subway乘地铁 ride a bike骑自行车。

how far多远 from home to school从家到学校 every day 每天。

take the bus 乘共汽车 by bike 骑自行车 bus stop 公共汽车站。

think of 认为 between and … 在…和…之间 h**e to 不得不 play with … 和 come true 实现。

one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩。


1. how do you get to school?

i ride my bike.

2. how far is it from your home to school?

3. how long does it take you to get to school?

4. for many students, it is easy to get to school.

5. there is a very big river between their school and the village.




1、how do you get to school?

讲解:(1) how是疑问副词,意为“如何,怎样,用什么手段”。

本句为how引导的特殊疑问句, 用以询问交通工具。

take + a/the + 表示交通工具的名词,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。

by + 表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in + a/the +表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语,作方式状语。

例: i walk./ i get to school on foot.

i ride my bike./ i get to school by bike./ i get to school on my bike.

i take the bus./ i get to school by bus./ i get to school on the bus.

注意:by + 表示交通工具的单数名词时,名词前不能加任何冠词或者其他修饰词。

2)get 在句中为不及物动词,意为“到达”,常与to连用,但是表示目的地的词是副词here、 there、home等时,则不需要用介词to。

例:they’ll get to beijing at six tonight.

i’ll get there on time.

2、it takes about 25 minutes to walk.

讲解:it takes sb. sometime to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间。

词语辨析:spend, cost, pay 与 take

1)spend 的主语必须是人。常用于 spendon sth或 spend(in) doing sth.意为“某人花时间/金钱做某事”。

例:i spent 5 dollars on the book.

2)cost的主语只能是事情。常用于sth cost sb some money意为“某物花费某人多少钱”。

例:the skirt costs her 200 yuan.

3)pay的主语必须是人。长用于sb pay some money for sth.意为“某人为某物付款”。

例:he paid 1000 yuan for the tv set.

4)take用于 it takes sb some time( money) to do sth. 句型中。

例:it took him seven days to make the big cake.

3、then the early bus takes him to school.



4、how do students around the world get to school ?


例:the earth moves around the sun.


例:there are many trees around the playground.


例:is there a park around here ?


例:he goes to school at around 8 o’clock.

5、in north america, not all student take the bus to school.

讲解:not all这个结构所表达的意思通常是“部分否定”,意为“并不是所有的都”。当not用于代词all, many, much, every, both前时,均属于部分否定。

例:not all that glitters is gold. 发光的并不都是金子。

6、i h**e a map but it’s in chinese, and i only speak english.

讲解:in chinese “用汉语”,in 表示“用”,主要用“用某种语言,用某种材料,用某种方式”。

例:i paid the bill in cash.

词语辨析:say, speak, talk与tell


speak 意为 “说,讲”,不强调说话的内容,但有时指讲某种语言,(在会上)发言要用speak

talk意为“谈话;交谈”,有不及物动词和名词两种词性,常与with,about或to搭配 tell意为“说;告诉”,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些,常用tell sb about sth “告诉某人关于某事“和tell sb (not )to do sth “告诉某人(不要)做某事”

7、let me look at your map.


look, read, see与watch



take a/the + 交通工具(单数)

by + 交通工具(单数)

on/in + 限定词 + 交通工具。

例:——how do you go to work every day?

— i drive to work./i go to work by car./ i go to work in my car.

2)how far 用来提问距离,意为“多远”。其答语分为两种情况:


例:——how far is it from your home to the bus stop ?

— it’s five kilometers.


例:——how far is the park from the shop ?

— it’s ten minutes’ walk.

3)how long 用来提问时间,意为“多久”。

例:——how long h**e you been in america?

— for two years.





rule, arrive, hallway, hall, listen, fight, sorry, outside, wear, important, bring, uniform, quiet, dirty, kitchen, more, noisy, relax, read, terrible, feel, strict, remember, follow, luck


on time 准时,按时 listen to …听…… in class 在课上。

be late for做……迟到 h**e to 不得不 be quiet 安静。

go out外出 do the dishes 清洗餐具 make breakfast 做早饭。

make (one’s) bed铺床 be noisy 吵闹 keep one’s hair short 留短发 play with sb. 和某人一起玩 play the piano 弹钢琴 h**e fun 玩得高。

make rules 制订规则。


1. don’t arrive late for class.

2. can we bring music players to school?


冠词。一 教学内容。冠词在英语中只有3个词,分为两类 不定冠词a与an,定冠词the。a用在以辅音开始的单数名词前,an用于以元音开始的单词前。不定冠词用来表示一类事物中泛指的某一事物,而定冠词则用于特指的某一个或某些事物,可用于不可数名词 可数名词单数及可数名词复数前。二 教学重点难点极其突破方法...


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