
发布 2023-03-09 09:18:28 阅读 8040


unit 7 sports and good health知识清单。


重点单词】truth (真相,真实); decide (决定,做出判断); change(改变);

habit(习惯,行为); usual (通常的); health(健康,健康状态);

awful(可怕的remember(记得,记起); information(信息);

keep(保持,保留); brain(脑,头脑); success (成功,胜利);

event(竞赛项目,大事); throw(投,掷;扔); winner(获胜者;优胜者); teammate(队友outdoors(在户外weight(重量); couch(睡椅,长沙发椅); air(空气,天空); lucky(幸运的;侥幸的); side(边;侧边nation(国家;民族hunt(打猎;搜索); spend(用钱;花钱); natural(自然的;天然的); step(步骤;脚步); towards(向;朝向); brush(刷;刷子); mess(杂乱;肮脏); tooth(牙齿);

organized(做事有条理的;有组织的); develop(发展;使形成;培育)


3. usual(副词4. health(形容词副词。

5. remember(反义词 (过去式。

7. success(动词形容词。

(过去式9. win(名词反义词动词形容词副词。



重点短语】my eating habits(我的饮食习惯); as usual(像往常一样); h**e a dream(做梦); decide to do sth(决定做某事);try to do sth(努力做某事);stay healthy(保持健康); exercise one’s minds(锻炼某人的思维); play games outdoors(在门外玩游戏); put on weight(体重增加;长胖) ;a cough potato(沙发土豆);

play in the sun(在阳光下玩); write a poem (写诗); go for a walk(去散步); go fishing and hunting(去钓鱼打猎); keep healthy(保持健康); at that time(那时) ;make a big fire(生火) ;not any more (不在); make one’s bed (整理床铺); worry about(担心…);get out(出去);lead the way to(引领,带路)

重点句型】1. to tell you the truth.

2. you shuouldn’t eat so many donuts

3. it’s good for your health.

4. walking can improve our thinking skills.

5. apples help our brain stay strong.

6. he has some bad habits.

7. he watches too much tv and plays too many computer games.

8. they used to be very active together.

重点语法】1. there are many different vegetables in it.

“there be” 结构表示某地有某物。

there is+单数名词/不可数名词+地点。

there are+复数名词+地点。

(1)there___be)some milk in the glass.

(2)__be)there any students in the classroom?

(3)there___be)a boy and some girls over there.

2. they used to be very active together. 过去他们在一起非常活跃。


he used to like math. 他过去喜欢数学。

he didn’t use to like math. he used not to like math.



she use to be quiet. 她过去很文静。

-- she use to be quiet? -yes, she did./no, she didn’t.

used she to be quiet? -yes,she used./no, she used not

书面表达】how to stay healthy

staying healthy is very important to us. but how can we stay healthy? first, we should h**e enough sleep and be happy every day.

then we should eat more vegetables and fruit. we should drink more water and milk. and we should eat less meat and junk food.

at the same time, exercise is the best way to keep healthy. we can go swimming after school. and we can play baseball with our friends.

to tell you the truth, healthy eating habits and exercise can make ourselves healthier.


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