
发布 2023-03-06 04:44:28 阅读 4408

unit 12 don’t eat in class?


课时:the first period (section a 1a-2c)




要掌握的动词及动词短语: arrive late for class, listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways, fight with, run in the hallways, eat in the classroom( dining hall, outside), wear a hat in a class.

学习难点】arrive; late; make sb. +adj.

learning procedures

i. preview. 1. turn the following into chinese.

1) 上课时不要吃东西。







ii. learning activities in class

1. learn some school rules in different ways. (it depends)

2. listen to 1b again and fill in the blanks. what rules do they break?

nameswhat rules do they break?


nick3. after listening to 2a and 2b, write from memory what alex and cindy can do and what they can’t do.

what they can do

what they can’t do

4. pairwork 场景:假设你到一所新学校上学,你要了解校规、班规,请表演两人一组对话。

a:can we …?b:

yes , we can ./no, we can’t.


1)late, don't, for school ,arrive

2)music, listen to, in the classroom ,don't

3)eat, can't, in the classroom ,we

4)school, rules, are ,what,

5)too, i, many, rules, h**e, in, my house

6) we, in, school, can, wear, hat


1) sit down2) come in

3) eat in the hall4) listen to music outside

5) do your homework in class


1) mr greensmoke(吸烟) here, because there’s a sign on the wall.

it says “no smoking.”

2) it’s very hot outside. youwear a hat.

3) weeat in the classroom, because it’s impolite to teachers.

4) igo to bed after 11:00 on school night.

5) the studentsread books and magazines in the library.

5. summary and consolidation.

1) what are the rules at your school

2in the hallways andfor class.

3) can we eat in school?

wein the dining hall, but wein the classrooms.

4) can we wear hats in school? yes, weno, we

make our school rules

1. don’t sleep in class. 2. clean the classroom every day.

6. word study

1) arrive “到达”, arrive是一个不及物动词,不能直接跟表示地点的名词。如果要跟名词,就必须加介词in或at。在“大地方”前加“in”;在“小地方”前加“at”.

arrive in / at + 地点,如果 arrive后不接名词,就不用介词。用arrive , arrive in/at 填空。

-when did youshanghai?

yesterday. when iyucai middle school, it was 7:50. after ihere, you called me.


2) late “迟, 晚” (形容词或副词) be late for+n. (对)……迟到。翻译下列句子。


对不起, 我来晚了。


3) make sb. +adj. 使某人…. 用形容词填空。

the movie “nanjing, nanjing” makes me

the light music(轻**) makes him

the action movies make people

breaking school rules makes teachers

iv. homework:1. finish the rest part of this piece of *****.

2. wb p-45 3. review and get ready for a test.

(learning target) 4. reading comprehension practice. (group a )

unit 12 don’t eat in class ?


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