
发布 2023-02-26 18:32:28 阅读 9560


this morning we took a walk

教学设计。一、教学内容:teaching material:

this morning we took a walk.”是外研版七年级下册module10的第二节课。本节课以betty 写给自己祖母的邮件为载体,介绍了她在巴黎的度假活动。


二、教学目标: teaching aims:

一)knowledge target:

1. learn new expressions of this unit.

2. use time orders and verbs to write journey activities.

二)ability target:

1. improve reading skills and abilities.

2. use the time orders and verbs to describe one’s holiday journey.

三)moral target:

1. by learning paris, know something about foreign country and build interests on different cultures.

2. learn to co-operate with others.

3. learn to value time and enjoy life.

三、教学重点:important target:

1. correctly use the time orders and verbs to describe one’s holiday journey.

2. check information from the passage quickly.

四、教学难点:difficult point:

use the time orders and verbs to describe one’s holiday activities.

五、教具:teaching aids: ppt words cards some candies

六、教学过程:teaching procedures:

step1: warming up and greeting:

t: hello, boys and girls. glad to be your new english teacher.

now you can say my name loudly.


step 2: lead in and presentations


t: before our class, i will show you my photos. so you can find i like tr**eling.

do you like tr**eling?

ss: yes!

t: today we’ll go to see it.(展出埃菲尔铁塔**)do you know where is it?

ss: paris!(学生说不出可以直接给出答案)

t: today we’ll learn module10unit2 “this morning we took a walk.” i’ve prepared some gifts for you .

are you ready for our journey?

ss: yes!


first, let’s see the beautiful places in paris. please read follow me. (视情况选择练习速度)


step3: fast reading

t: ok, i think you are clever. when we are tr**eling, we need a guide and today betty will be our guide.

let’s read her email and learn paris. (present the email and ask)

t: who wrote it? she wrote it to whom?

ss: betty wrote it to her grandma.

t: good job! now please read the email quickly and make orders for those six pictures.


t: are you ok? let’s check the answer.


step4: careful reading

1. now, let’s read it carefully, and do the exercise--choose “t” or “f”.

1). betty arrived in paris two days ago.(

2). she took a tour in the city the day before yesterday.(

3). they took the paris underground today.(

4). they waited for three hours to go to the top of the eiffel tower.(

5). tomorrow they are going to take a boat tour on the river seine. (

t: now let’s read them together, ok?

let them do the check and correct the wrong ones.(提问5个学生)

paragraph by paragraph.

read para.1 and answer 4 questions.(先同桌核对)

1). when did betty arrive in paris?

2). who met betty at the airport?

3). how did she get there?

4). what did she do that day? why?


t: you are so wonderful! go go !

read para.2 and answer 2questions.

1. yesterday we went to the louvre museum, it has many world famoussuch aslet’s see mona lisa!展示**)

in the evening wein a french restaurant.

追问:what did she think of the food?

read para.3 and answer 3questions.

1. this morning we went for a walk.(找出同义句)

2. i bought you a present.

3. answer: what did she do this morning?

read para4 and 5 ,answer.

1. guess the meaning. took __

2. answer: (1) we had to wait in line for an hour.(英译汉)

3. what are they going to do tomorrow?


the journey.

t: look at the table, we can find the different time, can you complete the activities?

give the example.)

do the exercise and remind students the time and verbs.


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