
发布 2023-02-21 07:59:28 阅读 2463

unit7 what does he look like? 对“外表”提问。

1. –他看起来长得怎么样?--what he 有look,用does/do)

-他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。--he very tall, and he short curly hair.

同义句:--what he 只有like,用is) (用is,like翻译问“像”)

区别:--what he 他喜欢什么?(用does,like翻译为“喜欢”)

区别比较:(1) 他中等高度/身材:he medium height/build. (是of, 前用be动词)

2) 他中等高度/身材:he medium height/build.(是a, 前用h**e/has)

描述人物基本外貌特征:hair , curly, straight, tall, medium, height , thin , he**y, build,like

2. 她一点点胖:she a little bit he**y是形容词,前用be动词)

一点点+形容词:a little bit+形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;

一点点+名词:a little+名词 = a bit 名词;

如:his hair is his hair is

he can speak he can speak

3. ①the tall boy curly hair. (with翻译为“有着”)

句中已经有了动词talking about,表达“有着”不能再用动词has)

比较:the tall boy curly hair. (无they are talking about, 表达“有着”用动词has)

练:(1) jim lives in a small house有着) an interesting garden.

2) do you remember john, a pop singer戴着) funny glasses?

3) do you know the tall man有着) a big nose?

4. 她从不停止讲话:she never stop talk.

stop doing sth

stop to do sth

练:(1) class is over. let’s stoph**e) a rest.

2) the teacher is coming. let’s stoptalk).

3) –i feel tired and sleepy. –why not stoprelax)?

4) if you’re tired, you can stopwork).

5) stoptalk). listen to me, please.

5. 他不再戴眼镜了:he does wear glasses

]一条红色的裙子:wear a red dress

]某种颜色的衣服:颜色如:do you know the boy

6. 没有人知道我:nobody know me.,

如:(1) everyone in my classknow) this smart teacher.

2) do you think everyoneenjoy) their weekends?

3) everyone in our class __the weekend.

a. enjoys b. enjoy c. enjoyed d. enjoying

7. 在七年级五班:class five, grade seven ([

8. 篮球队的队长:the captain the basketball team (有of,需要倒翻)

有“生命”的东西,表示“的”用;如:he is my father friend.

无“生命”的东西,表示“的”用。如:here is a photo my family.

9. 形容人的“外貌特征”的名词和形容词。

10. 受某人的欢迎:be popular sb 受欢迎的:popular

对某人友好:be friendly sb 友好的:friendly

11. 讲笑话:讲故事:tell stor

开玩笑:开某人的玩笑:play jokes sb

12. 有一副新的:h**e a new 此处的look作“名词”)

13. 去买东西:go shopping


14. (1) look v. 看起来; 如:he like his father.

2) look prep. 外表; 如:he has a new

15. (1) like v. 喜欢; 如:what does he

2) like prep. 像; 如:what is he

unit 7 what does he look like?

words1. hair un. 头发,(动物的)毛发。


who is the girl with long black hair?=who is the girl wearing long black hair?

2)她喜欢留卷发吗?does she like to wear curly hair?

cn. (一根)头发。

4)那位老人有几根白发。 the old man has a few grey hairs.

2. 描述 (衣服) 尺寸的词有:

small 小码 = s码 medium 中码 = m码 large 大码 = l码。

extra large 加长/大码 = xl码 extra extra large = xxl码。

他的爸爸五十多岁中等个。 his father is of medium height in his fifties.


high —height 高/ 高度。

1)我的妈妈中等高度。 my mother is of medium height.

long —length 长/长度 strong—strength 强壮/力气。

4. thin adj 薄的;瘦的。

1)这本字典比那一本薄。 this dictionary is thinner than that one.

2)我的堂兄又高又瘦。 my cousin is tall and thin.


3)这碗粥太稀了。 this bowl of porridge is too thin.

4)那位老人的胡子很稀疏。 the old man has a thin moustache.

5)山顶上的空气稀薄。 the air is thin at the top of the mountain.

thick adj. 厚的;茂密的;稠的;充满…的。

6)外面很冷,你最好穿上厚衣服。 it’s cold outside. you’d better put on thick clothes8)汤应该浓稠美味。

the soup should be thick and delicious.

9)天空覆盖着浓浓的烟雾。 the sky is covered with thick smog.

5. 描述某人胖的词有:

fat “脂肪堆积的”(这个词不礼貌)。

1)我变得越来越胖了。 i'm getting really fat.

overweight 超重 (这个词稍微礼貌些)

2)他有点胖 。 he's a little overweight.

big, he**y, large (礼貌方式)

3)我觉得你的妈妈有点胖。 i think your mother is kind of he**y.

4)mike是个相当壮的年轻人。 mike is a pretty big guy.

6. build n. (用单数)体型,体格。

1)她中等体型,身高和我差不多。 she is of medium build and about my height.

vt. 建筑,建造,建设---built --built

2)他们没有足够的钱建一座桥。 they don’t h**e enough money to build a bridge.

7. like n. 诸如此类,等等。

某人的好恶 one’s likes and dislikes

2)你能告诉我你的好恶是什么吗? can you tell me what your likes and dislikes are?


like sth. /like sb.


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