
发布 2020-04-12 11:28:28 阅读 8233



-how’s the weather ? 天气怎么样?

-- it’s cloudy./it’s sunny./it’s raining.多云。/晴天。/在下雨。


how’s the weather?

what’s the weather like ?

两个句型后面都可以加“in+ 地点”,用以询问“某地天气如何”


it’s +表示天气的形容词”。常见的该类形容词有:


cold( 寒冷的) cool(凉爽的)

hot(炎热的) rainy(下雨的)

fine(晴朗的) snowy(下雪的)

sunny(晴朗的) cloudy(多云的)等。


it’s raining/snowing 正在下雨/ 下雪。

例句: -how’s the weather in your city?

it’s warm.

-what’s the weather like in shanghai?

it’s raining now.

例1:how’s the weather in shanghai?( 同义句转换 )

例2it’s sunny today.

was the weather yesterday? are you doing?

fine the weather like today?

例3.—how’s the weather there?

---great. it’s __i can make a snowman tomorrow.

二 、现在进行时。

1. 例句:--what are you doing?

---i am cooking.

---what are they doing?

---they’re playing basketball in the park.

---what’s he doing?

---he’s studying at his friend’s home.


)1. it is __today.

b. clouds c. cloudy

)2is the weather __beijing?

it’s windy.

in about

)3. my life isgood in the us.

a. very much b. muchc. pretty d. more

)4. i’mthe music.

b. listenc. listen to to

)5. when it rains, she __a bus to work.

takes take

)6. she is in canada __vacation now.

a. inb. to

)7. how many __do you want?

b. bananasc. milkd. apple

)8. it’s time __h**e dinner.

a. for b. withc. atd. to

)9people are talking about the movie star.

of b. a lot of

)0. what __sunny weather!


athe weather in differernt seasons(季节) is different.

in spring, it is often windy in march and it is always warm in april and may. it rains sometimes and trees and grass turn() green in may.

in summer, it’s hot in the day and cool at night. it usually rains a lot in july and august. the days are longer and the night are shorter.

the weather in autumn is very nice. it’s always warm and sunny in september and october. people like going out in this season.

the winter is always from december to february. it’s very cold in winter and it snows sometimes.

根据上面内容判断正误,正确的写t, 错误的写f。

) 26. the spring is from march to may.

) 27. it is ususlly humid in july.

) 28. it’s very cold from december to february.

) 29. the weather in september is terrible.

) 30. the summer is very long but the winter is very short.


a: hello! this is kate.

b: hi, kate! _36__.where are you now?

a: _37__.

b: really? how’s it going?

a: _38__.people in shanghai are friendly.

b: how’s the weather in shanghai? is it cold?

a: no, it isn’t. _39__.i like the weather in china.

b: that’s good. _40__.the weather is a little cold.


1. how’s the weather in wuhan? (同义句)

the weatherin wuhan?

sunny today. (划线提问)

the weather today ?

3. i read a book when it’s raining.(划线提问) what __you __when it’s raining?

4. it’s pretty good.(划线提问) _is it __

5. it’s really hot today变反意疑问句)


1. 有很多人在这儿度假。

there are many people here

2. 我正坐在游泳池旁喝橙汁。

i’m sittingand drinking orange juice.


the weather here is cool and cloudywalking.


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