
发布 2023-02-12 09:13:28 阅读 5210

外研社第六模块第一单元i bought you this book.教案。



daming’s mum的对话为主题,谈论赠送和接受礼物时应该怎样用英语表达。



1)words: baseball , team

2)phrases: play baseball , give to ,baseballteam, look interesting

3)sentencepatterns:i boughtyouthis book. whog**e itto you?




.teaching importance:

重要句型:1) i bought you this book.(2) it looks interesting.(3) who g**e it to you?

4) simon’s family g**e it to me.”

. teaching difficulty:


.teachingtools:pictures,ataperecorder,课件。 word cards


step 1. warmer :


2、today is my friend, liming’s birthday .i bought apresent for her. and just now i g**e it to her.

板书buy-bought give---g**e


step2 presentation:

revise the past tense(打开课件)

meet–meteat-atedrink-drank go-went win-won watch-watched see -saw play-played


step3 new teaching.

1>、lookattheppt. answerthe following questions:what are they doing?

what is he doing?he is playing baseball.引入棒球的认知。2>、介绍有关棒球的知识。

3>、listen and think about the questions on the ppt.(1)where is daming now?(2)where was daming?

3) what did daming buy for his mum ?(4)what did daming buy for his friends?(分段听,然后找出上述问题的答案)


4>、write down the main sentence patterns:i bought you this book about america.

it looks for playing family g**e it to me.5>. listen and repeat.

设计意图:此环节旨在进一步熟悉、复习和巩固对话内容。)6> read the text in pairs. pay attention to“bought g**e”.

7>explain the knowledge.(知识讲解)句型:给某人买东西有两种形式:

主+bought +宾语+物品。

i bought you this book about china.主+bought +物品+ for+宾语。

i bought this book about china for you.(设计意图:有利于学生认知能力的发展和提升。)

step4 practice(usecap,book, computergameandbike)

1) forexample:--iboughtyouabook. -thankyou.

2) -whog**eit toyou? -li bing g**e make the same sentences(4人小组做练习,然后表演)

step5 extension.

1. read about daming. use the words in the boxes.2. do exercise 1-4 in unit 13、拓展练习:

a: h**e you got a bike?b: yes,i h**e.

a: who bought/g**eit for/toyou?b:

mymumbought \g**eit for/to me.(设计意图:学生的语言运用能力只有在丰富的语言。


step 6 summarystep7 homework

1 listen and read the dialogue exercise 3.


module6 unit 1 it was damings birthday yesterday.张晓丽。一 教学内容。本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语 供三年级起始用 六年级下册module 6第一单元第一课时。本教学点是进一步复习一般过去时的运用。学习 earth present s...


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module 6重点句子。1h e you got一本关于中国的书 不,我没有 2 h e you got一本关于美国的书 3什么书?h e you got i ve got一本关于世界的书 4 you ve got一封来自纽约的信 but it s 不是来自 daming.5 i am大明的朋友 ...