
发布 2020-07-17 07:09:28 阅读 3224

revision module 6unit1

一、 教学内容:三年级起点第八册第六模块复习课。


三、 复习重难点:

1、 重点:能听说读写四会单词:baseball ,team , buy-bought ,give-g**e .


2、 难点:不规则动词的灵活运用。

四、 复习准备:书、答题卷纸、练习本、笔、小黑板等。

五、 复习过程。

课前两分钟:带领学生唱歌曲《why why why》

一、 preparation:(热身启动,明确目标)

free talk:

last month there was our classmate ‘s birthday .did you buy sth. for him?


二、 presentation:(复现文本,归纳梳理)

1、 daming is back from china.

what did he buy for his mum and his friends ?

who g**e dming sth. for playing baseball ?


2、 引导学生通过板书归纳:

buy sb =buy sb. sth give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.

give-g**e buy –bought 引导学生说说过去式的规则变化及本课**现的不规则动词的过去式变化,要求学生模仿例句说两个句子。

3、通过简笔画引出单词:baseball team 及 sth. for playing baseball


三、 practice:(活动训练,强化技能)

1、出示课内的动词 ride watch is play win drink eat see go


daming and simon __to a baseball game in american .they __their bicycles. then they __the game .

they __their f**ourite team .their team __well and they __daming and simon __hot dogs and colas .it___a great game.

2.let’s play a game :一分钟快速写出不规则动词的过去式变化,比一比看谁多。



1、read the teacher’s children’s day then fill in the blank. and answer there questions.

my funny day

on this children’s day ,i went to dalian labour park with my parents. it was a___day. before going to the park , we __to the shop, and___some things .

the park __very beautiful .we played with wooden horses and bumped cars…….what a funny day!

2. what’s the weather like that day?

where did miss liu go that day?

what did she do that day?

in pairs :talk about your funny day


五、summary and homework (总结本课,布置作业)

finish the passage


revision m6

who g**e it to you?

simon’s family g**e it to me.

he bought a book for mum.= he bought mum a book.


外研社第六模块第一单元i bought you this book.教案。教材分析 本模块主要以赠送和接受礼物为主题,本单元主要以daming和。daming s mum的对话为主题,谈论赠送和接受礼物时应该怎样用英语表达。教学目标 1.知识目标 1 words baseball team 2 ph...


module6 unit 1 it was damings birthday yesterday.张晓丽。一 教学内容。本教学知识点源于外语教学研究出版社,小学英语 供三年级起始用 六年级下册module 6第一单元第一课时。本教学点是进一步复习一般过去时的运用。学习 earth present s...


2015 2016学年第二学期单元教学目标训练题。六年级语文 第六单元 学校班别姓名学号成绩 全卷100分,含有卷面3分。一 基础知识 45分 1.听写句子。3分 2.看拼音写字,注意书写工整 正确。5分 m y m n k l n xi n l n l ng m n m 3.给下面加点的字选择正确...