
发布 2023-02-01 02:15:28 阅读 9278

(第一部分:听力部分四年级英语上册unit 2 part a 练习题。

1、listen and number.(听录音,给下面的**排序,并在括号里填上阿拉伯数字。)

二、listen and draw faces.(听录音,判断下列各图是否与录音内容相符,如相符的画“ ”否则画“ ”

3、listen and circle the right letters.(根据你听到的内容,用圆圈圈出单词发音的字母。)

1. a. i b. i-e2. a. i b. i-e

3. b. i b. i-e

四、listen and choose the right answers.(根据录音内容选择最佳答句,把其编号写在提前的括号里。)

)1. a. i h**e many lightsb. i can see many lights.

)2. a. sure, here you areb. really? let’s go and see.

)3. a. it’s blue and yellow. b. it’s big.

)4. youb. good job.

)5. a. many desks and chairs. b. an english book and two maths books.

4、listen, tick or cross.(听短文,判断下列句子是否与短文相符,如相符的打“√”否则打“×”

)1. hello. my name is jimmy.

)2. my schoolbag is big and nice.

)3. i h**e a chinese book, a maths book, an english book and four storybooks.

)4. my pencil box is on the chair.

)5. i love my schoolbag.

5、listen to the sentences, choose and write down the words.(听句子,选择并正确书写单词)

1. i h**e a new

2. theis in the desk.

3. where is my

4. theis black.


1、choose the right sentences.(根据**提示选择正确的句子,并把编号写在提前的括号里。)

) i h**e a new storybook1) 故事书。

b. i h**e a new chinese book.

) the book is under the chair2)

book is on the chair

) put your pencil box on your book. (3)

b. put your pencil box near your book.

) look at the new map.

b. it’s a nice kite4)

二、choose the right response.(选择填空,把编号写在左边的括号里。)


a. what color is itb. what’s in your schoolbag?


a. thank youb. you’re welcome.


a. i h**e a new schoolbagb. what’s in your schoolbag?


a. what color is my storybook? b. where is my storybook?


me help youb. thank you.

3、complete the dialogue.(根据上下文意思补全对话,把编号写在横线上。)

sarah: hi, amy! 1

amy: really? 2

sarah: it’s red and white. look!

amy: 3what’s in it?

sarah: i h**e many books and some candies in it.

amy: 4

sarah: sure, here you are.

amy: wow! it’s a panda. how nice! i like it!

4、complete the passage.(根据句子意思和**提示,选词并正确书写。)

hello! i’m john. this is myi h**e some toys, a pencil box,

aa chinese book, two rulers, six

and twoi like it.


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