
发布 2023-01-19 12:07:28 阅读 9686


教学目标:1.知识目标:1)进一步学习和掌握有关方位的词汇,强化听说读的综合技能:near,nextto,behind,between---and,in front of。

2)学习掌握新的交际用语: when is the **the **is near…等等。3)学习城市基础设施的词汇:

supermarket,trainstation,park,movietheater,swimming pool, zoo, school .


2)能够使用turn left turn right指引他人到达目的地。



教学重点:1学习有关方位的词汇:near, next to, behind, between---and , in front of在。


2使用where is the **进行询问并会使用相应介词进行回答。it’s near the **

教学难点:能够使用turn left turn right指引他人到达目的地。


一、热身及复习(warm up).

follow me and do the action

1) left left right right go straight go straight go go go(2) turn left turn right go straight go straight go go go


一)出示几个城镇的**并引入课题1、穆家峪镇**look ,mujiayu town

2、河南寨镇**this is henanzhai town. it’s my town.3、太师屯镇**tai****un town. whose town is it?

is it my town? is it your town?)ss: it’s my town.

all of you can say it’s our town.

4、today we’ll learn the story about town

unit 5(提前写上)师板书课题our town并带读town(二)学习故事1、整体感知课文。

1) let’ s watch and answer

课件上who are they in the story?

whose town is it? (链接到课文)

2) answer the question (1\ can you see ann? )2\is it my town?)(3)what buildings can you see?

can you see a zoo? what else can you see?can you see amovie theater?)2处理p2—5

1)where isthe movie theater? watch and answer

并带读问题(链接到课件play p2—5整体感知)

2) ss: it’s behind the school.(3) t:找生答,齐答处理p3

1)t: where isann’ house?链接到课件p3(2)play

3)ss:听课件联系it’s next to the park.(4)找生答,齐答。

处理p22)t: where is the supermarket?(3)play p2

4)ss: it’snearthe train station.(5)师出示并领读train station

听两遍后回答it’s near the train station.

6)练习问答练习问where is the supermarket?处理p5

师出示单词swimming pool卡片并领读(1)t: where isthe swimming pool? (板书)

) ss: it’s between the park and the train station. (板书)师出示卡片between领读。

处理between---and (用学生座位)

where is she? she is between **and **where is he


1)listen and answer: (课件上)

t: where are they going to go with the map?

how can they get there?

are they going to school? are they going to the zoo?)t:

let’s find the answer out, watch again .

watch p6-8 and then answer )

ss: turn left first and then turn right

2) continually watch and learntoilet( play9--10 )(3)t: does mocky like zoos?

ss: no, he doesn’t.

4 watch and repeat the text

listen and repeat


1、幻灯片1练习where is the **

2、幻灯片2练习how to get there?(如有时间可进行)t:进行德育教育:


四、课堂小结及作业(class closing and homework)

today’s homework is to read the text after is over. bye-bye. thank you for your time.


英语课程标准》指出基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。使学生在体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的方式中获取新知。在北师大版英语教材unit5 our town?

附送:2019-2024年四年级英语上册unit6 lesson11(2)教案闽教版。

教学内容:闽教版小学《英语》第三册unit6 weather lesson11教学目标:(一)知识目标。

1.听懂会说weather, sunny, rainy, cloudy,snowy






2.听懂会说how is the weather today? it’s a sunny day.

how is the weather in beijing?it’s sunny.教具准备:


1. greetings: t:

good morning, boys and girls. nice to see you again. how are you?

a song “rain, rain, go away”二、elidation1.(由歌曲引出课题)t: today we will learn unit6 weather lesson11.(出示单词卡片,指导读音,引出课题)

三、presentation and drill

1.t:it’s a map of china(出示课件) how is the weather in beijing?引出sunny(以各种方式操练sunny:


2.多种方式教授其他天气单词rainy(two by two, stop游戏),cloudy(一触即发,男女生读),snowy(升降调,row by row)

3.play a game:(1)what’s missing? (2)拍图标读单词。

4. ask and answer:how is the weather in beijing? it’s sunny. …小组接龙)

5.t:how is the weather today?(课件呈现)引出it’s a sunny/cloudy/rainy/snowy day.的回答。

6.自编歌谣学习sunny, sunny, a sunny day… a game:大小声找卡片四、consolidation1. read after the vcd2.

say a rhyme五、homework



板书设计:unit6 weatherlesson 11

how is the weather in beijing? it’s sunny.

how is the weather today? it’s a sunny day.

sunny rainy cloudy snowy(四线三格书写)





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