年四年级英语上册Unit2 7 教案苏教牛津版

发布 2023-01-19 12:04:28 阅读 1279

教学内容: g部分look and read .ask and guess及作业2。

教学目标: 进一步巩固运用本单元的单词,句型。

教学过程:一、warm up .

1. sing a song : we are happy bees .

2. on duty .

3. free talk .教师可为学生创设说的情境,让学生去说,培养学生的交际能力。


二、look and read .

1) 出示挂图,让学生仔细观察,并反复朗读,了解故事内容。

2) 学生听读、体会其中趣味含义。

3) 生跟师读,同桌练说。

三、ask and guess .

1. 教师先准备几个不同颜色的盒子,在里面分别放上动物**。

2. 对照图,把游戏用语熟悉一下。游戏前先把游戏用语拎出让学生会说,明意后再进行游戏。

3. 师生游戏,在游戏过程中替换物品练习。

四、practice .

copy sentences .

1. what’s thisit’s a rabbit .

2. what’s thatit’s a cat .

3. this is my dog .

五、homework .

1. 抄写四会单词2遍。

2. 听课文录音四遍。

板书设计:ask and guess .

a: i’d like a toy panda .

b: i h**e one .in which box ? guess!

a: the green box ?

b: here you are.



教学过程:一、warm up

1. sing a song : we are happy bees .

2. say a rhyme : a little book .

3. on duty .(让学生自由进行练说操练,师注意纠正)

4. free talk .(此部分要引导学生主要围绕本单元交际用语进行拓展练习)


二、review .

1. 利用touch and guess进行单词复习。

2. 利用**进行对话操练。

三、practice .


课后笔记:1、 本单元单词教学采用多种形式呈现,如听音猜物,touch and guess .遮物猜物等形式,让学生在丰富的游戏之中学习新词,并通过歌唱进行巩固,充分调动学生的各种感官参与学生,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2、 句型的介绍教师通过购物对话呈现,让学生在具体语境中进行学习、巩固、运用,收到较好效果。

3、 对于四会单词的拼读,不少同学易受汉语拼音的干挠,情况不够理想,在今后教学中还应进一步去复习巩固26个字母。

附送:2019-2024年四年级英语上册 unit2教案闽教版。



on duty, today, early, turn on, fan, hot.


turn on / off the light, please open/close the window.

are you on duty today? yes, i am.

who’s on duty today? li hong and sally.

li hong is sweeping the floor.

sally is cleaning the blackboard.







teaching procedure:

step1 warm up

1. sing the song “in the classroom”

2. tongue twister

step2 learn to say

1. get the ss look at the picture. talk about the context.

the cards to teach the vocabulary.

on duty , today, early, turn on, fan, hot.

and do, then guess in english.

get the ss to follow and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

step 3 ask and answer

1. find who’s on duty. s1 has got 3 times to guess out who’s on duty.

he has to ask “ are you on duty today?” to the ss. if he can find the s2 in 30 minutes.

2. look vcd and imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

3. games. s1: are you on duty today?

s2: yes, i am./ no, i’m not.

s1: who’s on duty today?

s2: sorry , i don’t know. /i’m on duty today.

step 4 read and say

1. do the free talk.

2. role play in groups.

3. show the text.

step 5 look and say.

1. look the vcd, make sure that the ss know the meanings.

2. listen and do in whole class.

3. games. listen and do.

step 6 homework.

1. listen to the tape and read 4 times. correct the past practice.

2. recite the words and text.



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