
发布 2023-01-19 12:08:28 阅读 9448


教学目标:1.能听懂、会说:howistheweathertoday?it’ sunny. 并能在实际情景中应用。要求语音准确、语调自然。

2.学习新单词:weather, sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy。



stepⅰ. report.

a rhyme.——tick tock我们要怎么用英语谈论天气呢?stepⅱpresentation1.导入情境。


weather句型“howistheweathertoday?”2.展示课题“unit 6 weather lesson 11”。


hello, amy ! where are you going ?

s1: i’m going to beijing . how is the weather today?

t:(点击北京跳出天气图标)it’ssunny.卡片出示新单词,教学新单词sunnysunny↗, sunny↘, it’s sunny




it’ssunny /cloudy/ rainy/ snow.进行问答练习。

6.介绍另一种天气表示法:it’s a rainy day.7.收看cd-rom学习课文,模拟表演stepⅲ:sing and chant

1.学说童谣rain on the sunflower.2.学唱歌曲rain, rain, go and extension



板书设计。unit 6 weather lesson 11

how is the weather today?sunny

it’scloudyit’s a rainy 附送:



译林版四上unit 6 at a snack bar (story time)二、教学目标。

1.能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk,a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.



1.能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk,a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.



1.能初步区分a glass of和a cup of的区别2.能灵活运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。五、教学准备。



step 1 greeting &warming up1. greeting

t: hello, boys and hello, miss nice to see you.

s: nice to see you, too.

2. sing a song《what would you like?》

t: well done! you sing beautifully!

i h**e some questions for what food can you hear in the song?出示单词food

s: dumplings, noodles, rice, hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, bread, good! and where can we buy them?

s: at a supermarket/snack bar…

t: yes, maybe at a snack bar. (出示快餐店,并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack和bar )

today we’ll learn unit 6 at a snack bar揭题。

step 2 presentation1、play a game

t: we can buy many food and drinks at the snack bar.出示单词drinkslet’s see what they are!

t:whenyouseethepicturesorthewords,presents, say“yummy, yummy”loudly.

t: (出示ppt,展示食物和饮料**单词)


/noodles/juice/milk/yummy/asweet/a hamburger/yummy/an egg/coffee/yummy/a sandwich

设计意图】通过游戏让学生熟悉食物和饮料的名称,并渗透新授单词其中,让学生预热生单词。2、guess and learn the new words (遮**,剪影,首字母,听声音)

t: good job! now, we’ve got some presents.

there’re some food and drinks in look at picture1.

s: it’sa cup of coffee. (生选择,师点击礼品盒)

t: great! (板书,贴图,带读a cup of coffee)并询问would you like a cup of coffee?

s: it’s a glass of milk.(生选择,师点击礼品盒)

t: good!(板书a glass of milk,贴图,带读a glass of milk)

用实物区别a cup of &a glass of t: how to say this?教授a glass of juices: it’s a hamburger!

t: bingo! can you spell it?

(板书a hamburger,贴图,带读a hamburger并询问would youlike a hamburger? what about you?)s:

it’s a sandwich.

t: well done! (板书a sandwich,贴图,带读a sandwich)t:

how about picture 录吃面条声音)s: (引导)they’re noodles.

t: clever! (板书noodles,贴图,带读noodles, tips:

注意可数名词和不可数名词。举例:a hamburger, some rice, some noodles询问新句型what would you like?

)s: i’d like…(出示i’d like…)


3. work in pairs

t: what would you like?(看着黑板进行师生对话练习)

s: i’d like…t: what about you ?s:…

t: anything else?s:…

t: now, we h**e some food and drinks here, talk about them in 生展示)


step 3 story time1. watch and answer.

t: you did a good job! and our friends are at the snack bar, too. who are they?

let’s watch and answer!s: helen, mike and mr green.

t: yes! and we can also see a waitress here.

2. listen and tick.

t: look, there are many food and drinks here. they are…what would they like?

let’s listen and what would mike like?(引导)he would like…

what would helen like? she would like…(听力验证)what would dad like? he would like…3.

listen and read

t: read the three sentences:i’d like a hamburger and a glass of milk.

i’d like a sandwich and a cup of hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk, please.

tips:几个相同种类的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,其余都读成升调。4. read the text


t: ok. now we h**e read the story together.

now open your books, turn to page 38, andread the story in roles, four students a group.

设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生熟练掌握课文,为下一步表演奠定基础。5. try to fill

mike, helen and their father___at the snack bar. they would __some food and

brown would like a __and a cup of核对答案,齐说。

step 4 show time

1. go to the snack bar.

a. t: you did a good job.

now, let’s go to the snack bar, ok? look! here is the you are a waitress or a waiter, how can you say?

(带着学生看黑板复习问句)some of you can answer like this: i’d like…a/some…, t: who wants to work with me?

(教师示范)c. work in 3

d. show it.请小组上台表演,带上角色帽子2. advice

about eggs…?(将食物分类)

attention here: we should“eat well, eat healthy.”合理饮食,健康饮食!

step5: homework

1. read and imitate the story.听录音,朗读并模仿对话。


3. write down the food you can name, try to divide them in different ways.写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。

板书设计:unit 6 at the snack bar

whatwould you like?—i’d like…

food: a hamburger a sandwich a hot dog(**)somenoodles apie anicecream

what about you?/ anything else?drinks:

a cup of coffee—a/ some…, please.—here you are.—thank you.

**) aglass of milk a glass of juice





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