
发布 2023-01-07 09:24:28 阅读 5183

step iv act:

your own conversations in groups ? how does he /she get to school ? how do they get to school ?

step v make a survey in class and then give a report .

ask five students.

egto school . it takes him /her __minutes.

his /her home is __kilometers away from school.

step vi do some exercises

一、 选择题。

1、 going hiking is more interesting than __a book at home.

a read b reading c to read d reads .

2、you can __a map when you want to tr**el a city .

a see b look at c read d look for


1、he usually __ride)a bike to school.

2、how far __you __live).from here ?


1、he usually has lunch at 12:30.

2、it takes about fifty minutes to get to the bus station.

unit4 how do you get to school ?

一、 教材:我所教授的是八年级上册第四单元how do you get to school?

主要内容是讨论:怎样到达某个地方(how do you get to school?),有多远(how far is it?

),花费多少时间(how long does it take?),这也是本节课的重点。这节课我就围绕这三个句型来设计教学活动。

二、 教学目标:能熟练运用这三个句型进行口语训练,从而达到交际的目的。

三、 教法:在教学方法上,我主要采取的是小组内的任务型教学,通过小组间的竞争完成教学任务。

四、 教学过程:1、warming-up 用本节课最重要的问题——how do you get to school? —we——。以小组回答的形式,从一组到六祖轮流展示一下。





how does liu di get to school?调查刘迪的学生站起来作报告。


反思:1、通过本节课的学习,学生们大部分能熟练运用三个句型完成教学任务,只有极少数学生,对于how far is it ?it ‘s +距离和how long does it take ?

it takes +时间的问题还不熟练。还需继续加强练习。



unit 4 inventions getting ready 重点单词 1.advertisement 可数名词 广告。i saw an advertisement on tv for a new kind of chocolate bar.我在电视里看到一个新出的巧克力棒的广告。2.funny ...


1 曾经。2 疯狂的生 的气。3再还4 首先。5 消息6 传递。7 被期望或被要求8 勤勉的。9 在 方面做得好10身体健康。11 成绩单12 神经紧张的。13 信封14 幸运的 2 反义词。15 学期16 真实的。17 令人失望的18 幸运地。19 复制抄袭20 自己的。21 克服22 乡下的。2...


unit4 how do you got to school language goal in this unit students learn to talk about how to get to places different kinds of transportation how long...