
发布 2022-12-26 00:59:28 阅读 6559

初二英语经典同步unit 7

keep smiling every day~~

尔康,你现在幸福吗?” 紫薇,你忘了?我一直就姓福啊。


热炒热卖。1. 将来树木会越来越少,我们的环境处于极大的危险中。

there will be fewer trees and our environment will be

2. 每个人都应当参与到拯救地球的活动中来。

everyone shouldin s**ing the earth.

3. 五十年后,人们将有更多的空余时间,因为将有更少的事情要做。

in 50 years, people will h**e morebecause there will be fewer things to do.

4. 我希望我将住在太空站。

i hope i will live on the

5. 机器人可以反复做一些简单的工作。

robots can do the ****** jobs

6. 那个老太太在街上摔倒了。

the old womanon the street.

7. 村民在帮助寻找在建筑物下面的人。

the villagers helpspeople under the buildings.


goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风。


important words and phrases:

harbour 港口 captain 船长 sail 航行。

sail form…从…起航 sail across 渡过;横渡… set out 起航;出发

plenty of充裕的;很多的

be proud of=take pride in 以….为骄傲 take part in 参加 be away 离开。


1. -excuse me. is mr. kingmay i speak to him?

---i am sorry. he isnow. you can call him.

a. in, in b. away, away c. in, away d. away, in

2. boys and girls, classnow. it’s the break time.

a. over b. in c. out d. off

3. i can’t use the alarm clock. could you tell me how tothe time?

a. set up b. set off c. set d. set out

4. i don’t know when jimi’ll meet him at the airport when he .

a. will return, return b. returns ,will return c.

returned, returned d. will return, returns

5. soon you a senior high school. isn’t exciting!

a. become b. will become c. became d. h**e become


there be 时态大看台。

一般现在时: there is/are…

一般过去时:there was/were

一般将来时:there will be…/there is/are going to be…

1. therea sports meeting in our school next week.

a. will h**e b. is going to h**e c. will be d. are going to h**e

2. -has he returned the library book yet?

---not yet. don’t worry. he it soon.

a. returned b. has returned c. will return d. returns


1. therea meeting tomorrow afternoon. (be)

2. charliehere next month. (not work)

3. hevery busy this week,

but hebe) free next week.

4. therebe) a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening. (be)

5you free tomorrow? (be)

--no. ifree the day after tomorrow. (be)

6. if they come, weh**e) a meeting.

7. igo) with you if i h**e time.

fewer, less 与more用法知“多少”




1. -who is ren changxia?

---a great policeman. she always thoughtof others than herself.

a. more b. much c. less d. little

2. we can do the work better withmoney andpeople.

a. less; fewer b. fewer; less c. less; less d. fewer; fewer

3. there will be更多的建筑)in 50 years.

4. the students will h**e更少的家庭作业)to do.

alone 并不“孤独”

she lives alone but she doesn’t feel lonely.


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