
发布 2022-12-25 13:56:28 阅读 3373

八年级秋季同步教案(unit 8)

life is wonderful, if you smile at it, it will smile at you






1. 你知道怎样制作奶昔吗?

do you know how to

2. 我可以教你制作水果沙拉。

i can teach you to

3. 妈妈给我们每个人一块面包。

mum g**e each of us

4. 打开搅拌机。

the blender.

5. 把牛奶倒进搅拌机里。

the milkthe blender.

6. 我们需要多少香蕉?

bananas do we need?

7. 接下来,把火鸡装满这种面包混合物。

nextthe turkeythis bread mix.

8. 我们需要多少酸奶?

yogurt do we need?

9. 你能把这些西红柿切成片吗?

can youthese tomatoes slices?

10. 首先,我不得不仔细阅读食谱,然后再制作三明治。

i h**e to read the recipe carefully, and i can sandwiches.



活泼好动的四兄弟:turn on/off, turn up/down


例如:the radio is too loud. can you turn it down a little? 收音机的音量太大。你能关小一点吗?

1. don’t the radio. the baby is sleeping.

a. turn off b. turn on c. turn over d. turn down

2. jane, please turn off the lights you le**e the classroom.

a. after b. before c. until d. but

3. would you please the tv? i can hardly hear the conversation between the two speakers.

a. turn on b. turn up c. turn off d. turn down

4. i can’t hear the music clearly. please a little.

a. turn on it b. turn it on c. turn up it d. turn it up

“最后”打比拼:finally, at least, in the end与at the end of

归纳:选词填空(at last/finally/in the end/at the end of)

1. he tried many times to pass the exam, and he succeed

2. the woman waited and waitedafter a year she couldn’t wait any longer.

3. they decided to go to hainan for a holiday.

4. there is a hospital the street.


cut up=cut into pieces, up 有“完全、彻底”的意思,含有up的动词短语有:

eat up 吃光 dry up 完全干涸 burn up 全部烧光 use up 用光,耗尽》 四光政策!!!

mix up 混合在一起 make up 组成 get up 起床 put up 搭起,建起

give up 放弃 stay up 熬夜 look up 查阅 wake up 叫醒。

1. -do you know how to pronounce this word?

---yes, i in the dictionary yesterday.

a. look it up b. worked it out b. g**e it away d. picked it up

2. the child nearly used up all his pocket money.

a. ran out of b. kept out of c. got out of

3. though jack was poor and sick, he never any chance to write. that is why he finally became a successful writer.

a. agreed to b. g**e up c. looked for d. thought of

4. -don’t too late, or you will feel tired in class.

---i won’t, dad.

a. stay up b. get up c. stand up d. wake up


tell your partner how to make a sandwich…告诉你的伙伴怎样制作一个三明治。


1. after the discussion, the students asked their teacher next.

a. which to do b. what to do c. how to do d. where to do

2. there are so many kinds of mp4 players in the shop. i can’t decide

a. what to but b. which to buy c. when to buy d. how to buy

检查“check 有学问。

1. fill in the blanks and then c your answers.


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