
发布 2022-12-21 07:08:28 阅读 6067


unit3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

一知识目标:barber shop理发店get out出去,离开take off起飞sleep late睡过头land

降落in front of在…前面an unusual experience, around, strange, follow, kid, follow it to see,be surprised, the museum of flight, be amazing in a tree在树上beijing international airport北京国际机场,at the doctor’s在(医生的)诊所,hear about听说,in modern american history美国现代历史,take place发生,in silence沉默,be destroyed被破坏,world trade center世界**中心,as…as…像…一样,in recent history近代史, a national hero一位民族英雄,become famous出名,be murdered被**cared害怕think about考虑到train station,run away, anywhere, come in, happen, be crowded,二句型:1. what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

2. the boy was walking down the street when the ufo the girl was shopping, the alien got out.理解:





linda __1___to new york city last saturday. while she___2___3___a news*****at the train station, her dog __4___5___of the box and __6___away. the station was___7___andlindacouldn’tfindherdog___8___thenshecalled___9___however,__10___shewastalkingonthetelephone,herdogmetanotherdog___11___were playing happily.

after she looked everywhere in the station and couldn’t find it, a littleboy told her to look outside. then she saw her dog was jumping and running with __12___用所给词的适当形式填空。

) late when it arrived.

2. what was the girl doing when the ufotake) off?3.

when iarrive) in shanghai, it was dark.4. tomread) a book at 8:

00 last night.

5. while the alienvisit) the museum, the boy called the tv station.6.can you tell me the___mean) of the word?

7.there are manyhero) in the history of the world.8.while we were h**ing dinner, the telephonering).

9.wehear) him singing in the next room when we passed.10.shebecome) clearer on that morning.

11.the world trade center in new yorkdestroy) by terrorists.

12.this was one of the most importantevent) in modern american history.13.please keep the window___close). it’s cold 完成句子。

1. there is a supermarket在……的前面) the park.

2. while it was looking at the souvenirs, the shop assistant报警). flight着陆) beijing international airport half an hour ago.

4. look! the boy is从……出来) the theater.

5.my pet dog f___me everywhere when i go out.6.you said you had a car. aren’t you k___us?


7.you can never想象) what happened to me.8.can you tell me about your经历) as a waiter?9.the cat has three legs.


1.i was walking down the street when the ufo landed. (对划线部分提问youwhen the ufo landed?

2. he watched tv last night. (用at this time yesterday改写句子)hetv at this time yesterday.

3. my mother was cooking when my father came back. (用while改写句子my mothermy father came back.

4. they were playing basketball at 10:00 yesterday.

(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答playing basketball at 10:00 yesterday?no

5. the sports meeting was very exciting. (改为感叹句the sports meeting was!v完形填空。

aboywaswalkinginthestreet__1___amancameover___2__himand___3__himtheway___4__ the station.

the boy was very naughty. he wanted __5__a trick on the man. he pointed to__6___side ofthe road and said, “go down the street until you reach a shop.

you can find it on your left.” theman thanked him and went away.

a few minutes___7__,the man came back. he said to the boy that there was only a bookshopthere and he___8__ find the station.

the boy___9__ and said, “10__ a map in the bookshop, and you’ll find the way!” butb. becausec.

thend. fromb. toc.

ford. askb. askedc.

telld. told4. a.

tob. forc. atd.

playb. to playc. showd.

to anotherb. the otherc. one mored.

two7. a. beforeb.

afterc. pastd. later8.

a. can’tb. may notc.

couldn’td. mustn’t9. a.

lookedb. criedc. laughedd.

jumped10. a. buyb.

carryc. showd. borrowvi短文填空。

dr martin luther king was m __1___on april 4,1968. a___2___some people may notremember who killed him, they remember what they were doing when they h___3___about thee___4___he died thirty-one years ago, before many americans were born. however, in morer___5___times, most americans remember the date when the world trade center was

d___6___byt___7___a___8___in space. he went into space on o___9___15, 2003. his f___10___aroundthe earth l___11___about 22 hours.

he became a national h___12___in china.


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