
发布 2022-12-18 14:00:28 阅读 2563


unit 1

1. there will be =there is / are going to be

2. less:不可数名词fewer可数名词复数。

less pollutionfewerpeople

3. argue with争吵。

4. everything will be free .一切将免费。

5. in the future将来。



in加时间时,只表示将来的时间i will be here in a minute.一分钟之后我就来。


he came back after 2 days.

7.an astronaut宇航员。

8. fall in love with (fell, fallen)爱上。

9. wear穿着a suit \

put on穿上a pair of jeans

he is wearing a suit today.


it is cold outside, please put on a sweater.


10.be like = look like看起来像。

what's your sister like?你姐姐怎么样?

what does your sister look like?你姐姐长什么样子?

11. make/ let sb do sth让某人做某事。

make sb adj

12. over and over反复。

13. help sb do sth=help sb with sth

14. go through仔细检查。

用法。she seems quite happy today.今天她似乎很高兴。

it seems that +句子。

it seems that you are lying.你似乎在撒谎。

sbseems to do sth

he seems to be thinking about something.他似乎正在考虑某事。

16. fly

17. see / watch / hear /findsb do/ doing sth

i often see tom play soccer at school.

i saw tom watching tv when i went to visit him last night.

18. keep a pet养宠物。

19. come true.实现。

20. look smart显得精神/看起来聪明。

21. be able to

22. he is 8 years old.=he is an 8-year-old boy.

unit 2

1. talk with /to \和。。。讲话。

2. talk about谈论。

3. out of style过时。

4. in style时髦的。

5. call sb up打**。

6. enough +名词。

7.形容词+ enough

8. write to sbwrote写信。

9. a key to the door门的钥匙。

10. a ticket to a ball game球赛的门票。

11. the answer to the question问题的答案。

12. improve my english提高英语。

13. ask sb for help向人求助。

14. play too loud

15. buy (bought) sth for sb买东西给某人。

16. say sorry to sb

17. find找到。

18. find out经过努力发现,弄清楚。

19. talk about it on the phone

20. need to do


21.人pay(paid)money for sth

22.人spend …doing

23. it takes sbtimeto do sth

24.物cost sbmoney

25. either.也。用于否定句末。

26. too也肯定句末。

27. also也be后,动词前。

3个“借”28. borrow sth from sb

29. lend sth to sb

how long can i __keep___借) the book?

a week.(时间段)

30. the same as和……一样。

31. what is your advice for sb?

32. invite sb to do邀请。。。做某事。

33. everyone else其他人。

34. luck名词运气。

35. lucky形容词幸运的。

36. luckily副词幸运地。

37. get on well with和……相处的好。

38. return sth to sb归还。

39. h**e fight with打架。

40. could you please give me some advice?


41. not … until直到……才。

i did’t go to bed until i finished my homework last night.

42. there are lots of things you could do.有许多事情你可以做。

43. as +形容词原级\副词原级+as

44. complain about抱怨。

45. all kinds of pets / different kinds of pets

各种宠物。46. compare ….with比较。

47. except除…之外。

48. forget to do sth忘记。

49. le**eleft+介词忘记。

i left my homework at home last night

unit31.过去进行时be + doing


at7 o’clock last night

those daysat this time yesterdat


4.in the front of…..里面的)前面。

5.in front of……(外面的)前面。

6. 3个到达gettoreacharrive in\at

1)*arrive*是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终点),后常接介词at或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,则不需用介词。例如:doyouknowwhat time the plane *arrive* in london?




7. hear of / hear about听说。

8. take off起飞脱下。

9. amazing / amazed惊奇。

10. getting out of the bathroom

11. cook dinner

12. an unusual experience一次不寻常的经历。

13. be kidding开玩笑。

14. surprising+物。

15. surprised+人。

16. be scared害怕。

17. shout at sb对……大声叫。

18. climb the tree爬树。

19. what happened to sb?某人发生什么事情。

20. be in silence沉默。

21. be silent沉默。

22. when the bell rang(响),i was cooking

23. don’t play the cd loud,(响)

24. all over the world / around the world全世界。

unit 4

1. be mad at生气。

2. be angry with生气。

3. get annoyed生气。

4. work hard努力工作。

5. hard-working勤奋的。

6. not ….any more不再。

7. h**e a surprise party

8. first of all首先。

9. an exciting weekend一个激动的周末。

10. le**e a message to sb留信息给某人。

11. take a message for sb为某人捎信。

12. be supposed to被期望。


i don’t know what his name is .

14. i am better at english than math.


15. an end-of-year exam期末考试。

16. get nervous紧张。

17. h**e a hard time with

18. take …to拿去(从近到远) took

19. bring ….to带来(从远到进) brought

20. copy the homework抄作业。

21. get over ‘原谅。

22. open up my eyes开阔眼界。

23. on friday night在周五晚上。

24. last night昨晚。

25. be in good health身体健康。

be healthy

26. pass on

27. care for在乎。

28. this semester / term这学期。

29. disappointed / disappointing失望的。

30. disappointing news

31. i am disappointed



2014年全国部分省市中考英语试题汇编 单项选择 连词。2014黄冈 in a text message,88 means and another example is f2f stands for face to face.a.that b.who c.whomd.it 答案 a2014临沂 af...


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