
发布 2022-12-12 03:03:28 阅读 2333

unit 3

could you please clean year room?

一、 so和neither的倒装句(与上文所指的是同一事物,但是是不同的人)

so +助/情/be/+主语。

neither +助/情/be/+主语。


1)she likes english.(她)

so do i (我也是)/me too.

so does he.


2)she can speak english.

so can i/she/they.

3)she is english.

so am i./ me too.

so is he/she.


1)she isn’t english

neither am i./me neither.

neither is he/she.

2)she can’t speak english

neither can i./ me neither.

neither can she/he.

3)she doesn’t like english

neither do i./ me neither.

neither does he/she.

二、 强调句(与上文所指的是同一事物,但是是不同的人)


-she likes english

-so she does. she often reads english story books.


结构so +主+ 情。be助。

she isn’t english.

neitler she is. she was born in italy.

2、neither of +n(s)两者中任何一个不…

neither of the twins likes english.

3、neither …nor…既不…也不… 就近原则

either…or…要么…或者… 就近原则。

neither she nor i am (be)interested in english.

neither i nor tom does (do)the dishes every day.

1、rubbish n 垃圾。

trash n垃圾不可数。

junk n 垃圾。

waste n 垃圾。

too much rubbish /trash

take out the rubbish/trash

2、fold v 附近; 折叠—folded过去式。

fold the clothes

3、sweep v 打扫—swept过去式。

sweep the floor

4、floor n 地板。

on the floor

floor n 楼层。

on the third floor在第三层。

there are three floors in the supermarket.

5、mess n 杂乱; 乱不可数。

6、throw v 扔—threw 过去式—thrown


throw a ball

throw down the bag扔下。

throw away sth:重点在于扔掉这一动作。

throw sth away:重点在于被扔掉的物品。

13、stress n 压力(不可数)

too much stress

i don’t h**e too much stress at school.

h**e no

固定搭配:be stressed out 压力大的。

get stressed

i am/get stressed out at school.

14、waste v 浪费。

don’t waste time/water/food

waste n 浪费。

固定搭配:be a waste of +n浪费…

it is a waste of time.这是在浪费时间。

15、in order to do sth为了做某事。

i study hard in order to get good grades.

i study hard to get good grades.

i study hard so that i can get good grades.

16、provide v 提供。

固定搭配:provide sth for sb 把某物提供给某人。

provide sb with sth 提供给某人某物。

offer sth to sb 把某物提供给某人。

offer sb sth 提供给某人某物。

the teachers provide books for students .

17、anyway adv 而且;既然,放句首做插入语。

eg:anyway, i think learning english is not difficult.

18、depend v 依赖。

independ v 独立(in否定前缀)

independent adj 独立的。

independence n 独立性。

固定搭配:depend on sb /sth依赖于某人/某物。

eg:teenagers depend on their parents to much.

depend on doing sth

19、develop v 发展; 壮大—development n 发展。

develop teenagers independence发展青少年的独立性。

固定搭配:the development of sth …的发展。

the development of education教育的发展。

developing country发展中国家。

developed country发达国家。

20、fair adj 公正的。

unfair adj 不公正的。

fairness n 公正性。

it’s unfair for us to do much homework. 同义句。

it isn’t fair for us to do much homework

the idea of fairness 公正的想法。

21、since conj 因为(不直接的因果关系)

because conj 因为(直接的因果关系)

since conj自…以来; 从…以后。

since fifteen years ago=since 2005


since +段时间+ago


i h**e taught english since 2005

15 years ago

i worked in no.4middle school

22、neighbor n 邻居。

neighborhood n 街区。

in the neighborhood 在附近。

23、take care of =look after =care for照顾+代(实)

take (good)care of …好好照顾。

24、ill adj 生病的,表语形容词,只可做表语—illness n 病。

sick adj生病的; 可做表语,可做定语。

a sick girl

i felt sick.

he can’t go to school because of his illness

he can’t go to school because he is ill

25、drop v 落下; 掉下—dropped过去式—dropped过去分词。


his grades dropped.

his wallet dropped on the floor.

give up放弃=drop give up doing sth 放弃做某事。

26、do one’s part(in) doing sth 尽某人的职责做某事。


unit3 could you please clean your room?peter could you please take out the trash?彼得,你能把垃圾倒了吗?could you please do sth 请你 做 好吗?用于提出请求,希望得到对方的肯定回答,说话的语气比...


3出去吃饭。在外面待到很晚。去看电影。搭车。从事。完成做某事。干净整洁。洗餐具。倒垃圾。叠衣服。扫地。整理床铺。打扫客厅。没问题。欢迎某人。放学 下班回家。扔下。坐下。过来。带某人去散步。一直 总是。整曰 夜。做家务。大声回应。走开。分担家务。一个舒适的家。惊讶地。拿点喝的东西。一个节目。闲逛。把某...


一 短语。1 到达 3 2 洗完澡 2 3 在 里谈论这件事。4 降落在中心大街。5 进到一家礼品店。6 沿街走。7 看见外星人从ufo里走出来。8 起飞。9 有一次不同寻常的经历。10 它好奇怪啊。11 看见这个外星人在购物。12 对这件事情感到很吃惊。13 多么令人惊讶的消息呀。14 你在开玩笑...