
发布 2022-12-12 03:12:28 阅读 8503

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

learning objectives】

knowing : 本单元的新单词、短语及重要句型。

habit---forming: 会谈论将来的计划。1. what are you doing for vacation?

she’s babysitting her sister.

2. how long is he staying? he is staying for a month.

practising: 运用本单元的词汇谈论将来的打算。

important points】1. 用现在进行时表将来。

2. where when和 how long 引导的特殊疑问句。

difficult points】现在进行时表将来。

learning process】

第1课时 unit 3 section a 1a-2c


task 1. 学习本课单词,熟记单词完成1a。

task 2 1b. listen to the conversations and number the pictures 1-3 .

task 3 pairwork. a : what’s she doing for vacation? b : she’s babysitting her sister.

task 4 listening 2a 2b




二、 重点单词。

(现在分词现在分词3. plan(现在分词)__




1. i think everyone has two___foot).

2. the old man has a serious___ill).

3. mr chen is often___stress) out.

4. it's easy to stay___health).

5. my brother's___speak) chinese is very good.

task 5



a : what are you doing for vacation, li chen?

b: i’m going camping.

a: that sounds nice. who are you going with?

b: i’m going with my parents.


1. 总结本节课的重点单词及句型。


you’d better take an umbrella with you .

b. is raining c. rained d. has rained

2. -i’m le**ing home this afternoon .

---really? why so

a. fast b. soon c. quickly d. early

3. -hello, where are you going?

---oh, i __for hong kong.

le**ing b. left c. le**e d. is le**ing

4. -what are you doing this sunday ?

---i am __time with my friends.

b. spending c. staying d. taking


第2课时 unit 2 section a 3a-4


task 1. 学习本课单词并记忆复习上节课短语。

task 2完成3a,互相问答。注意重点句型。

1. that___interesting/good/great.

2. show sb. sth.= show sth to sb.

3. h**e a good time.

task 3 3b practice the conversation above. then make new conversations using the information in 3b.


1. “go + doing” 表示 “ 去做某事”, 常用于从事某一体育活动或娱乐休闲活动。动名词钱不能用some或其他表数量概念的词修饰。

go swimminggo boatinggo shoppinggo walkinggo dancing去远足去观光去野营。

2. go away: ①离开滚开。

3. get back to + spl. 表示回到某地。例如 get back to cheng du.


句型转换。are staying for two weeks.(划线提问。

are going there next week. (划线提问。

forgot my pen when i left my room. (同义句) imy pen in my room.

is going fishing for vacation .(划线提问is shefor vacation.?

go for a walk after supper every day.(同义句)

theyafter supper every day.

单项选择。1. don’t make any noise in the hallways . the studentsclasses.

a. h**e b. are h**ing c. had d. were h**ing

2. -it’s time for dinner . where is your father, emma?

---he __his bike in the yard.

a. cleans b. cleaned c. is cleaning d. will clean

3. -i’m going to visit my aunt this morning.

a. that sounds funb. it’s very kind of you.

c. give my best wishes to her. hope it won’t be long

4. listen! some of the girlsabout harry potter. let’s join them.

a. are talking b. talk c. will talk d. talked

5. shesightseeing tomorrow.

a. goes b. going c. is going

6are you staying home ?

---about three days.

a. how long much c. how often d. how

课后反思。第3课时 unit 2 section b 1a-2c


task 1. 认真看书section b 1a-2c ,然后填空。

1 how’s thethere ?

2 can i __you some questions about your plant ?

3 i always __vacations in europe ?

4 this time i want to do __different ?

5 he plans to h**e a very __vacation.

6 i’m planning to __time in the beautiful countryside.


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八年级英语第三单元导学案 2

unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?section b1a 2c 一 学习目标 知识目标 用进行时表将来时来表达将来的计划。能力目标 提高用现在进行时态谈论将来的计划的能力。情感目标 培养合作意识及计划意识。学习重难点 运用现在进行时表达将来打算 二 预习导...