
发布 2022-12-12 03:05:28 阅读 8182

八年级上unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

能力训练。一 、重点词汇拓展。

1. 临时照顾现在分词。

2. 计划,规划现在分词过去式。

3. 发送;寄过去式。

二 、重点词组识记。

1. 去野外露营2. how long

3. 回来4. babysit her sister

5. 在家里6. on the 12th

7. 远足8. go away

9. 玩得开心10. send me a postcard


1. 你将去**度假?( for vacation)

2. 那里的天气怎么样?(how )

3. 谁将和你一起去(go with)

4. 你将呆多久?(how long)

5. 他将周六钓鱼。(go fishing)


1. susan’s __after supper.

a. takes walks b. take a walk c. takeing walks d. taking walks

2. —what are we going to do on sunday?

how about __

a. to go bike ridingb. going bike to ride

c. going to bike ridingd. going bike riding

3. the doctors said that there was __wrong with jane’s legs. they could not do __to help her.

a. something; somethingb. something; nothing

c. nothing; anythingd. everything; something

4. —i’m sorry i forgot __the letter for you!

it doesn’t matter, i’ll post it myself.

a. to postb. posting c. postd. posted

5. she looks __because she has a __vacation.

a. relaxed, relaxedb. relaxing, relaxing

c. relaxed, relaxingd. relaxing, relaxed

五 、用单词的适当形式填空。

1. he’splan) his vacation to qing dao this summer.

2youle**e) for hong kong tomorrow?

3. my father wants to go bikeride) for vacation.

4. i thought aboutvisit) her.

5. he plans to h**e a veryrelax) andexcite) vacation.

6. i’m taking walks and goingfish) there.

六 、完成句子。

1. 你想和我一起去观光吗?

would you likewith me?

2. 我妈妈明天将前往北京。

my mother isbeijing.

3. 他计划度过一个放松的假期。

he plans to

4. 我想吃好吃的东西。

i want to eat


1. they are __

a. staying walk b. going walks c. taking walks d. going walk

2. _is the weather today?

a. whatb. howc. whichd. who

3. there is __for him to do today.

a. something importantb. important something

c. anything importantd. important anything

4. how about __with us to the great wall?

a. comeb. comes c. camed. coming

5. i am thinking __what to do next.

a. outb. ofc. aboutd. for

6. they decided __in the mountains .

a. hikingb. on hike c. to hiked. on hiking

7. did you find2024年,四川)

a. something unusualb. unusual something

c. anything unusuald. unusual anything

8. he is so careless that he alwayshis school things at home. (2024年,陕西)

a. forgetsb. forgetc. le**esd. left

9. ityang liwei about 21 hoursthe earth 14times in his spaceship.(2024年,陕西)

a. spent, circlingb. took, tr**elling

c. spent, to tr**eld. took, to circle

10 —could you tell meyou’ll be away?

about three weeks. (2024年,辽宁十一市)

a. how long b. how far c. how soon d. how often

11. there isin the art exhibition. please come and visit it. (2024年,昆明)

a. something new b. nothing new c. new something d. new things

unit 4 how do you get to school ?

一 、重点词汇拓展。

1. 远的,遥远的far (比较级)__最高级)__

2. 快的,迅速的_quick (副词) _quickly___

3. 四十___序数词) _

4. 花费过去式)__

5. 早的,提早的 early (反义词)__

三 、重点句型体验:划线提问下列各句。

1. i come to school by bike. (对划线部分提问)

2. his twin brother is driving a car. (用often 改写句子)

3. there is a sheep on the hill. (对划线部分提问)

4. i must go now. (变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

5. he never goes to see a film. (对划线部分提问)

6. tom should lie down to rest. (用now改写句子)


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