小学三年级英语Unit3教案 英文版

发布 2022-11-29 18:21:28 阅读 4201



教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo(1)


learn the sentences of part a教学重点:the new sentences教学难点:the new sentences


step2: learn the new sentences1、look at the pictures2、listen to the tape

3、read the sentences after the tape4、read the sentences

5、learn the new sentencesstep3:let’s play

1、look at the sentences2、read the sentencesstep4:do the exercises

step5:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zoo (1)

small big long short

作业布置:to the the sentences


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo (2)


1、let’s learn new sentences2、try to listen and do3、say out the animals.教学重点:the animals

教学难点:say out the animals

教学用具:tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:step1:revisionask and answer

step2: learn the animals1、look at the pictures2、find out the animals3、say out the animals

4、listen to the tape

5、read the words after the recording6、read and say the animals7、look and saystep3:let’s do

1、look at the pictures2、look at the animals3、listen to the tape4、listen and do

step4:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zooit’s so big.

it has a long nose and a short tail.

作业布置:to the the animals教学后记:


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo(3)

教学目标和要求:1、learn the song

2、learn the sentences of part b教学重点:the sentences教学难点:the sentences


1、say out the animals2、let’s paintstep2: let’s sing

1、try to understand the meaning of the song2、listen to the recording3、sing after the tapestep3:let’s talk

1、ask and answer2、listen to the recording

3、try to understand the dialogue4、read the dialogue5、act the dialogue out

step4:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zootall short giraffe deer

作业布置:1、listen to the recorder2、read the sentences3、draw a picture.教学后记:


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo(4)


1、learn the sentences2、learn the animals .教学重点:the new words教学难点:the new words


step2: learn the new words of animalslook at the animals

1、learn the new works2、listen to the recording3、read the words4、say out the animals5、step3:let’s do1、look at the pictures2、listen and dostep3: exercises1、活动手册2、look and say

step4:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zoo

you’re right.

作业布置:1、listen to the tape2、read the words.


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo (5)

教学目标和要求:1、let’s check2、let’s chant3、story time

教学重点:let’s check/ let’s chant/ story time教学难点:let’s check

教学用具:tape/recorder/pictures教学过程:step1:let’s check

1、listen to the tape2、finish the exercises3、check the answersstep2: let’s chant

1、look at the pictures2、find out the numbers.3、listen to the tape

4、read the sentences after the recording5、read the sentences togetherstep3:story time

1、look at the pictures2、listen to the recorder

3、try to understand the meaning of the story4、read the sentences after the recording5、read the sentences

step4:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zooam pm tv cd vcd

作业布置:1、listen to the tape2、read the sentences教学后记:


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo(6)


1、to know the culture2、learn the song

3、finish the exercises教学重点:the exercises教学难点:the exercises教学用具:tape/recorder教学过程:

step1: to know the culture1、look at the pictures

2、say out the lucky let’s sing

1、look at the words of the songs2、listen to the tape3、read the words4、sing the songstep3:finish the exercises1、listening work2、活动手册。

step4:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zoo

now you can say your abc’s.

it’s as easy as 123!

作业布置:1、listen to the tape2、finish the sentences教学后记:


教学内容:unit 3 at the zoo(7)


1、try to understand part c: story time2、to know the culture:3、let’s check

教学重点:let’s song教学难点:story time

教学用具:tape/recorder/pictures/things教学过程:step1:revision1、the words2、the sentences

step2:finish ‘let’s check”

1、listen and chose the right answer.

2、check your time

1、look at the pictures

2、try to understand the story3、listen to the tape4、say after the tapestep4:culturestep5:let’s sing:

read the song1、listen to the tape2、sing together

step6:summary and homework板书设计:

unit 3 at the zoo (7)

how many animals do you know?

the big one is a gorilla.

作业布置:1、listen to the tape2、sing the song.



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