
发布 2022-11-24 13:53:28 阅读 7674



a. cat b. red c. duck d. body e. run f. orange

二、判断下列图画与所给的词语是否一致,用√ 或×表示。(8分)




) 1、a、dog b、car c、boat

)2、 a、book b、bag c、thin

)3、 a、car b、pen c、pencil

)4、 a、map b、desk c、chair

)5、a、pear b、orange c、fruit

)6、a、uk b、usa c、yangchun

)7、a、red b、yellow c、apple

)8、a、in b、on c、where

)9、a、he b、she c、it

)10、a、zebra b、horse c、pear


a. 欢迎 b. 来自 c. 到这里来 d.马 e. 玩得开心点儿! f. 宝贝

g. 喜欢 h. 戴上 i. 你的j. 地图 k. 小汽车 l. 猫。

m. 橙子 n. 苹果 o. 桌子p. 书包 q. 鸭子 r.球。

s. 在…..上面t.在……下面。

1、welcome 2、car 3、honey 4、map 5、your 6、put on

7、from 8、horse 9、come here 10、h**e a good time! 11、like 12、cat

13、bag 14、duck 15、under 16、on17、ball18、orange

19、apple 20、desk


) 1. -nice to see you again

a. nice to meet you! b. nice to see you, too.

) 2. -where are you from

a. i’m from canada. b. my name is mike.

) 3. -we h**e anew friend today

a. welcome! b. good morning!

) 4. -what’s your name

a. i’m from canada. b. my name is mike.

)5、do you like pears?

a. yes, i do. b、no, i do.

)6、who’s that man

a. he’s my father. b、she’s my mother.

)7、thanks, mum. bye

a. goodbye. b、yes.

)8、where is your bag

a. it’s under the chair. b、i h**e many books .

)9、is it on your desk

a. no, it is. b、yes, it is.


a. where is my cat? b、where is my cap?

)11、put the ruler the desk.

a. in b、no

)12、where is my book

a. it’s on the chair. b、yes, it is.


( )to see youa. it’s in the desk.

( )i h**e some oranges? b. sure.

) many eggsc. nice to see you, too.

) it on the chaird. three.

) some grapese. you’re welcome.

) youf. yes, it is.

) is my rulerg. thank you.


)no, it isn’t.

)mum, where is my cap?

)is it on your desk?

)bye! h**e a good time!

)is it on your chair?

)yes, it is. it’s on my desk. thanks, mum. bye.


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