
发布 2022-10-23 06:04:28 阅读 5057

unit 2 this is my sister.


本单元学习的是学生最熟悉的家庭成员的称谓。通过介绍**中的人物,帮助学生学会this/that is ? these/those are ?

以及询问人物的特殊疑问句who is/are ??本单元生词较多,并且也开始涉及到名词的复数形式,对学生来说有一定的难度。整个单元的都是围绕**来谈论介绍人物的。



1. 学习介绍他人;辨认人物。 2.

学习名词:sister, mother, mom, father, dad, parent, brother, grandmother, grandma, grandfather, grandpa, grandparent, son, daughter, cousin, uncle, aunt, family, day, photo, picture, girl, dog

学习动词:h**e 学习代词:these, those, who 学习感叹词:

well, oh, bye 学习副词:here, 学习兼类词:next adj.

& n. 学习介词:of 3.

学习词组:in the first photo, in the next photo, two nice photos of my family 4. 学习句型:

this/that isthese/those are … who’s he/she? he/she is … who are they? they are …

here is/are …

5. 了解句子:oh, i see.

well, h**e a good day!

thanks! you, too.


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