
发布 2022-10-23 06:00:28 阅读 8744


1. you could see bees and butterfliesdance).



4. look, there are几个) chemical factoriespour废水) _the stream.

5. the farmers h**e砍伐) too many trees.

6. i’ve在…疼痛) my throat.

i h**e been like this since last week.

8. the chemical factory制造) terrible gas更糟的是), the factory makes太多) noise and i can’s sleep well all night.

9. i’m always心情不好) because i can’t __忍受) the environment here.

10. pollution has caused太多) problems. i should写信给…) the news***** about these problems.

11. little弄乱) our environment, so people shouldn’t throw it around.

12在当今世界), almost everyone knows air pollution有害于) people’s health.

13. people who work and live in noisy conditions often变聋).

14. quite a few people living near airports also h**e听力丧失).

15最近据报道) many teenagers in america can hear比…差) 65-year-old people do.

16在公众场合制造噪音) is also a kind of pollution.

17. it not only disturbs others but also损害) people’s hearing.

18. nowadays, many countries are尽力解决各种环境问题), including noise pollution.

19. they are bad for our health以许多方式).

20. the wind outside is猛烈地吹).


22结果), a lot of rich land has变成) desert.

23. trees can __the wind __blowing the earth away.

24. do you know how sandstorms形成)?

25我们没有人) likes pollution.

26. we shouldn’t le**e rubbish到处).

27. everyone should关心) wild animals and plant more trees.

28. we should do everything we can保护环境).

29最糟的是), some of them are quite rude.

30. i think we should制订规则) to change the situation.

31. perhaps it will be hard for us to遵守规则开始时), but if everyone does his or her best to遵守规则), our school environment will improve.

32. when it rains or when刮风), the earth被带走).

33. now many people in cities有健康问题).

34. it causes the level of the oceans上升) and the climate of the earth改变).

35. the sea看上进心来) h**e the best answer.

36. scientists h**e made some progress在这个领域).

37. while nearly 3/4 of the earth被 …覆盖), we are still缺少) water.

38. we all know that you’re为…工作) an organization.

39. my main job is帮助传播信息) about protecting the environment.

40. we should use的两边) and reuse plastic bags.

41. westudents __collect waste *****. (鼓励)

42快点儿), or you will miss the bus.

43. he has failed several times, but he never放弃).

44. you应该关闭) the electricity when you le**e a room.

45. you’d better walk or ride a bike而不是) taking a bus if you短途旅行).



48毕竟), we h**e only one earth.

49. people全世界) are寻找) new ways to produce power.

50. this renewable energy is used在人们的日常生活中).

51. it’s __small __hold many people, but larger models will be developed在不远的将来).

52. it __people just 7 minutesthe airport 30 km away.

53. the train can达到…的最高速度) 431 km per hour.

54即使) tree planting is very difficult, they love their work.

55. her daughter has looked after her直到现在).


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