
发布 2022-07-31 04:56:28 阅读 1278

topic 1 pollution has caused too many problems.

一) 重点词组。

1. stand /improve / protect the environment 忍受/改善/保护环境

2. what has happened here

3. pour…into

4. there be + sb. /sth. +doing sth. 表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。

5. in a good / bad mood情绪好/差。

6. feel uncomfortable感到不舒适。

7. pour waste into river把废水倒入河里。

8. something useful有用的事物。

9. be harmful to sb. /sth. do harm to对某人/某物有害。

10. stop ****** so much noise停止发出如此大的噪音。

11. disturb others打扰别人。

12. a kind of pollution一种污染。

13. be sorry for doing sth对做了某事感到抱歉。

14. not all

15. in noisy conditions在吵杂的条件下。

16. go deaf变聋了。

17. quite a few相当少。

18. no better than几乎)与……一样差。

19. cause high blood pressure引发高血压。

20. in strong, changeable light在强烈、易变的光线下。

二、 重点句型。

1. it is difficult for me to breathe. 对我来说很难呼吸。

2. -how long h**e you been like this? 你处于这样的状态多久了?

---i h**e been like this since last month. 自从上个月以来我一直这样。

3. it is a beautiful place with flowers and grass. 那是个有花、有草的美丽的地方。

4. all the flowers, grass and fish h**e gone! 所有的花、草和鱼儿都没有了!

5. it smells terrible. 难闻极了。

6. there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river.


7. it’s our duty to protect the environment. 保护环境是我们的职责。

9. noise is a kind of pollution and it is harmful to our ears.



4.there are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the river.


there be + sb. /sth. +doing sth. 表有某人/ 某物正在做某事。

如: there are some birds singing in the tree. 树上有些鸟儿在歌唱。

there is a little girl crying in the street. 街上有个小女孩在哭。

5.stop doing sth. 停止做(正在进行的)事。

stop to do sth. 停下来去做(另一件)事。

如:it’s late. they will stop working and (stop) to h**e supper.


the students stopped talking and to listen to the teacher. 学生们停止说话去听课。

7. …not all people know that noise is also a kind of pollution.


not 与both、all 、every 以及 every 的派生词连用时,表部分否定。

如:not everybody knows this secret. 不是人人知道这个秘密。

nobody knows this secret. 没有一个人知道这个秘密。

i don’t know all (of) your names. 你们的名字我并不都知道。

i know none of your names. 我不知道你们所有人的名字。

8. recently it was reported that many teenagers in america can hear no better than 65-year-old people do,…近来据报道,美国许多青少年的听力和65岁的老人一样差。

no better than… 表“同……(几乎)一样差; 不比……做得好”

如: lucy did no better than lily in the exam. 露西和莉莉考得几乎一样糟。

= lucy almost did as badly as lily in the exam.


现在完成时中延续性的动作或状态和由for / since 引导的一段时间状语搭配使用。

a)“for + 时间段” 与 “since + 时间点” 都表“一段时间”,常用how long 提问。

如: -how long h**e you been like this?

---i h**e been like this since last month./ for a month.

---how long h**e you lived in changle?

---i h**e lived in changle for ten years / since ten years ago.

b) 如句中含有非延续性动词,则改为相应的延续性动词或状态。

如:i bought this tv three days ago.= i h**e had this tv for three days.

his cat died yesterday.= his cat has been dead since yesterday.


come—be here; go—be there; close—be closed; open—be open;

buy—h**e; borrow —keep; le**e—be away; begin—be on;

finish—be over; die—be dead etc.

topic 2 all these problems are very serious.



1. none (反义词) all 2. both (反义词) neither 3.

rubbish (同义词) litter 6. beh**e (名词) beh**ior 7. prevent (同义词) stop 8.

although (同义词) though 9. pollute (句词) pollution10. completely (形容词) complete


1.read this article看这篇文章。

2.here and there = everywhere到处。

3.care for = look after = take care of照顾。

4.give some advice to提出一些建议给……

6.protect nature保护自然。

7.wash away冲走。

8.blow away吹走;刮走。

9.turn into = change into转变成。

10.die out灭绝;绝迹。

11.stop / prevent …(from) doing sth阻止……做某事

12.keep…from doing sth阻止……做某事。

13.cut down砍倒。


unit 词形转换。1.traditionn.传统的。2.stealv.过去式 stole 过去分词 stolen偷,窃取。3.warmadj.温暖。4.diev.n.death死 死的。现在分词 dying 5.陌生人。6.layv.过去式 laid 过去分词 laid放置 产卵。7.kindad...


topic 1 i can t stand the environment here.一 重点词汇。一 词形变换。1.produce 名词 producer 2.breathe 名词 breath 3.manage 同义词 try 4.soil 近义词 earth 5.waste 反义词 s e 6...


1.泼水节。2.中国春节。3.龙舟节。4.元宵节。5.明年。6.最喜欢。7.体重增加发胖。8.去 度假。9.听起来像 10.与 相似。11.彼此互相。12.冲走洗掉。13.以 的形状。14.中秋节。15.在中秋节之夜。16.射下。17.飞向 18.大声呼喊。19.摆开布置。20.的传统。21.回来。...