九年级上册英语单元词汇表 Unit2

发布 2022-07-31 04:52:28 阅读 5726

涔濆勾绾т笂鍐岃嫳璇崟鍏冭瘝姹囪〃锛圲nit 2锛?unit 2 32 mind 鑱槑浜恒佸瘜鏈夋墠鏅虹殑浜?33 astronomer 澶╂枃瀛﹀ 34 genius 澶╂墠 35 consider 璁や负銆佽寰?

36 sense 鐞嗚в鍔涖佸垽鏂姏 37 humour 骞介粯 38 invitation 閭璇?39 theory 瀛﹁ 銆佽銆佽 40 university 锛堢患鍚堟э級澶у 41 pleasure 涔愪簨銆佸揩浜?42 **oid 閬垮厤銆侀伩寮 43 lecture 璁插骇銆佹紨璁?

44 tonight 鍦ㄤ粖澶溿佸湪浠婃櫄 45 audience 瑙備紬銆佸惉浼?46 trust 淇′换銆佷俊璧?47 seat 搴т綅 48 applause 榧撴帉銆佸枬褰?

49 pale 鑻嶇櫧鐨?50 achievement 鎴愬氨銆佹垚缁?51 universe 瀹囧畽 52 philosopher 鍝插瀹?

53 obey 鏈嶄粠銆侀伒瀹?54 reduce 鍑忓皯銆佺缉灏?55 exactly 绮剧‘鍦般佸噯纭湴 56 action 锛堟晠浜嬨佹垙鍓х瓑涓殑锛夋儏鑺?

57 sense of humour 骞介粯鎰?58 let鈥 own 浣库﹀け鏈?59 by heart 鍗曞嚟璁板繂銆佽兘鑳岃 60 take a seat 鍧愪笅。

61 without difficulty 杞昏屾槗涓?62 join in 鍙傚姞銆佸姞鍏?63 h**e no idea 涓濇涓嶇煡閬?

64 (be) in trouble 鍊掗湁銆佸浜庡洶澧?65 play a joke on sb. 璺熸煇浜哄紑鐜╃瑧銆佹崏寮勬煇浜?

66 turning point 杞姌鐐?67 a series of 涓绯诲垪。




aabandon bndn v.放弃,遗弃,沉溺。absolute bslu t adj.绝对的,完全的n.绝对。absorb b s b v.吸收,吸引。的注意,使全神贯注。abstract bstrkt n.摘要adj.抽象的v.摘要,抽炼。abundant bndnt adj.丰富的,充裕的。...

人教版九年级11 12单元词汇表

unit11 restroomn.公共厕所,休息室shampoon.洗发精,洗发香波drugstoren.药房,杂货店departmentn.部,局,部门escalatorn.电动扶梯,自动扶梯magicn.魔法,巫术,戏法freshadj.新鲜的,生的,无经验的blockn.街区,街段oakn.橡...