
发布 2022-10-23 06:02:28 阅读 1177

m 教学设计。

period 1 section a 1a1c










2)句型:this is my sister.

that's my grandfather.

these are my brothers.

those are my parents.


让学生运用所学的语言项目“this/that is...these/those are...等内容与其他人交流家庭成员的情况。


step 1:greetings and talking


for example:

t:what's your name?what's your telephone number?

ss:my name is...my telephone number is...

step 2:leadin/present the new words


for example:

t:hello,everyone!look!what's this?

ss:it's a picture.

t:right. who is the man in the picture?

ss:it's you.

t:yes,it's me .you know me. please look at this .do you know them?

ss:no,we don't.

t:they are my family members. today i want to introduce my family members to you .

would you like to meet them?


t:ok. please look at this man?is he old?


t:he is my grandfather .please read after me,grandfather,grandfather,grandfather.


t:this is my grandfather.

teach the word “grandmother” in the same way.)

t:he is my “grandfather”.she is my “grandmother”.these are my grandparents. read after me,grandparents.


t:i h**e two brothers,two sisters. i h**e many friends.

teach the words “brother” and “sister”.)

t:read these new words together after me.

ss:. 建议2:利用多**呈现情景剧《家有儿女》中人物的**,从而导入本课的语言知识。

for example:

t:who's he?

ss:liu xing.

t:(show other pictures and introduce them:)liu xing's mother,father,brother,sister,grandmother and grandfather.

(show the new words on the blackboard.)

step 3:practice the ne w words





step 4:task 1a,1b

1.呈现1a中的**,让学生猜一猜:who are th ey?学生将单词与图中的人物配对。


step 5:present the new sentences

建议1:利用全家福的**,呈现出:this is my mother/father.

然后教师站在远处指着另一人说:that is my sister/brother.类似的,教师呈现出these are my...

those are my...让学生知道this/these是近距离的,that/those 是远距离的。在具体的情境中体验这几个单词的不同)

建议2:利用多**呈现情景剧《家有儿女》中人物的**,从而引出句型:this is...

these are...that is...those are...


for example:

step 6:practice the new sentences

建议1:让学生齐读教师给的例句this is my sister./that is my brother.

/these are his brothers./those are my friends.或用chant的形式练习。

for example:

let's chant:

father,father,this is my father.

mother,mother,that is my mother.



parents,parents,these are my parents.

brother,sister,those are my friends.


for example:

t:this is a picture of liu xing's family. let's talk about liu xing's family in pairs.

you must use “this is” and “these are” to do it.

the students practice. the teacher walks around the room to help them.)

t:now check your practice.

s1:who is this?

s2:this is his...

s1:who are these?

s2:these are his...

ask a few pairs to practice.)


for example:

t:look at the family tree.

stick a family tree on the blackboard.)

t:let's talk about the family tree. you can do it in groups of four or three.

you can do it in pairs or you can do it by yourself. then report it to the class.

the students work. the teacher moves around the classroom to help the m.)

t:check your task.

s:hello. my name is...

look at this .this is my family tree. this is my...

and this is my...they are old. these are my...

this is my...this is my...my mother is...

this is my...his name is...i love my family.

step 7:task


for example:

t:please take out the family photos you bring to school. work in groups of four.

fill in the form .then report it to the class.

family members

the students work .the teacher moves around the classroom to help them.)

step 8:summary

本课我们主要学习了mother,father,parent,brother,grandmother,grandfather,grandparent,sister等与家庭成员有关的单词。重点学习了this is my sister. that's my family.

these are my brothers. those are my parents.等句型。



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