
发布 2023-03-08 18:58:28 阅读 1451

unit 4 useful expressions

1. 醒来/ 把某人叫醒 wake up/wake sb up

2. 是该吃早饭的时候了吗?is it time for breakfast? /is it time to h**e breakfast?

3. 我们去山中散步好吗?shall we go walking in the hills?

4. 他很少出去。he seldom goes out.

5. 午饭过后,我总是需要好好休息。after lunch, i always h**e a good rest.

6. 有些狗就是不知道怎样玩乐。some dogs just don’t know how to h**e fun.

7. 进行课外活动/做早操 do after-school activities/ do morning exercises

8. 我(他)上学从不迟到。i am never late for school. he is never late for school.

9. 我非常喜欢我的学校。i enjoy my school very much.

10. 告诉她的阿姨有关她的学校生活 tell her aunt about her school life

11. 写一封电子邮件给网友 write an email to online friend

12. 我们学校周一到周五五早上八点开始(上课)。our school starts at 8 in the morning from monday to friday.

13. 这儿我有很多朋友,他们对我都很好。i h**e a lot of friends here. they are all nice to me.

14. 下课后,我们经常在一起聊天或在操场上玩。

after class, we often chat with each other or play in the playground.

15. 有时,我和我的朋友们下午去图书馆借书。

sometimes my friends and i go to the library to borrow books in the afternoon.

16. 我们周三下午放学后训练。we practice after school on wednesday afternoon.

17. 祝好。 best wishes. /all the best. /take care.

18. 我的父母在晚上都看太多电视。my parents both watch too much tv in the evening.

19. 我们每年三月份种树。 we plant trees in march every year.

20. 在海南,冬天从不下雪。/ 冬天没有雪。

in hainan, it never snows in winter. /there is no snow in winter.

21. 第二十二届世界杯在2023年。the 22nd world cup is in 2022.

22. 在中国的孩子们六岁开始上学。 children in china start school at 6 years old.

23. 在儿童节孩子们玩得非常开心。 children h**e lots of fun on children’s day.

24. 通常,我们早上上三节课,下午上两节课。usually, we h**e three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.

25. 我们每年秋天有一场校足球比赛。今年,它在11月15日。

we h**e a school football match in autumn every year. this year, it is on 15 november.

26. sandy 没有很多时间练习打网球。 sandy doesn’t h**e much time to practice playing tennis.

27. 她每天去上舞蹈课。她总是跳半小时。

she goes to her dancing lessons every day. she always dances for half an hour.

28. millie经常去滑旱冰。millie often goes roller skating.

29. 阳光中学和月光中学间的排球比赛a volleyball match between sunshine middle school and moonlight middle school

30. 我希望每个人都能来**这场比赛。i hope everyone can come and watch the game.

31. 祝我们队好运。wish our team good luck!

32. 周末你喜欢做些什么? what do you like to do at weekends?

33. 我喜欢和我的家人一起去野餐。i like to go on picnics with my family.

34. 在正午做饭 / 工作的**/ 打扫街道 cook at noon / a nurse at work/ clean the street

35. millie的幸福图表 millie’s happiness chart

36. 喜欢和不喜欢(好恶)。 likes and dislikes

37. 做早操对我们有益。 doing morning exercises is good for us.

38. 早操有助于我们为一天做好准备。morning exercises help us get ready for the day.

39. 老师很和善,科目也很有趣。 teachers are nice and the subjects are interesting.

40. 我个子不高,所以我篮球打得不好。 i am not tall, so i cannot play basketball well.

41. 我可以了解很多关于世界的知识。i can learn a lot about the world.

42. 我们总是有太多的作业要做。we always h**e too much homework to do.


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