
发布 2022-07-22 17:01:28 阅读 5607

chapter 1 tr**el

i. 重点单词和词汇、句子。

1. nation(国家)-national(国家的)-international(国际的)

2. defeat v.击败战胜 3. beat v. 击打,战胜。

defeat 和beat 的区别:


they beat/defeated our team by ten points.他们以10分的优势战胜了我们队。

they beat/defeated the enemy。他们打败了侵入者。

2. 两者作为名词时的区别:两者都可用作名词,但含有不同。


we heard the beat of a drum.我们听到了打鼓的声音。

can you hear the beat of my heart?你能听到我心脏跳动的声音吗?


our basket ball team suffered another defeat.我们的篮球队再次输了。

what he said meant admitting defeat.他说的话就意味着他承认失败。

固定搭配:suffer a defeat 战败; take defeat承认失败。

defeat-defeated (过去式) defence 防御。

n.骑自行车 go cycling 骑车去兜风。

a.1. cycle自行车;摩托车。

she goes to work on her cycle.

2. 循环,周期。

the seasons of the year make a cycle。一年四季构成一个循环。

b. vi 骑自行车。

he cycles work every day。


no cycling in the school。

4. win (在游戏、比赛、奖项/战争)

v./n. 饮用;饮料

does the writer mean by ‘s’?-mean 意味着,打算。

mean to do sth打算做某事(=intend to do/plan to do sth)

7. why not spread your wings and visit france?

why not do sth?=why don’t you do sth?为什么不做某事呢?

spread your wings 展翅高飞。

this year, why not spread your wings and visit france?

1. vt. 使。。。伸展,使。。延伸。

i spread my arms as far as i could. 我尽可能将双臂展开。

2. 展开,张开;摊开。

mom spread a new table-cloth on the table.

3. 散布,传播;普及。

she was told not to spread this secret around.

4. 传开,蔓延。

the fire spread from the factory to the warehouse nearby.

spread ,stretch, extend 与expand

1) spread 意为“伸开,传播”,一般指向四面八方扩大传播的范围。如传播(疾病),散布(信息)等。

spread the news around the town.

the rapid spread of the disease is alarming the medical authortities.

2) stretch 意为“伸展,拉长”,一般指由曲变直,由短变长的伸展。

he stood up and had a stretch。

3)extend 有“伸出,延伸“的含义,指空间范围的扩大,以及长度、宽度的朝外延伸,也可指时间的延长。

the tourist season extends from may till october.

3) expand 意为“展开,扩大”,不仅指尺寸的增加,还指范围和体积的扩大。

mental expand when they are heated.

固定搭配:spread over 遍布在。。。

spread out 展现。

a scence of prosperity spread out before us.一副欣欣向荣的景象展现在我们面前。


8. france is a big county,with coasts on the three sides.

coasts 海岸线。不能用来指河岸或湖岸。bank的意思是“岸”,大多指江河之岸,特别是高出水平线以上的岸或堤坝。

walk along the bank of yangtze river.

beach 相对来说比较平坦,覆盖着沙子或碎石子的,适合游泳、停靠小船,9. france is a big country,with coasts on three sides.

with 此处表示伴随情况。

the girl came back home in the afternoon,with her dirty hands and clothes.

10. these days, you can shop for many french foods is large cities in china.现在你在中国的大城市里可以买到很多的法国食物。


1. i can draw。(能力)


3. can i use your computer?(请求许可)

2)french foods 法国食品此出表示食品的种类。

9. go skiing 去滑雪 water skiing滑水 grass skiing滑草 go shopping go fishing go skaing go swimming go hiking

is calling。

a.1. call v. 叫喊,呼叫,叫醒;打**给。

call me tomorrow morning。(明早打**给我或叫醒我)

2. 把。。叫做,称呼。

i call her lily


we heard a call for help。

固定:call for 取,接;call off 取消;叫走; call on 拜访。

sussess calls for hard work.

why was the football match called for?

i shall call on you next work.

is behind us and people are starting to plan their summer holidays.

a. n. 计划,方案,打算。

what’s plan for the weekend?

b. vi. 计划,打算。

i plan to visit my grandpa next week.

plan to do sth 计划做某事。

10. in central france they grow crops such as wheat and sunflowers.

such as 和for example 一样都是比如、例如的意思,区别:such as 一般用于列举事物,后面一般接名词或名词词组,而且不用逗号隔开。

i h**e a lot of friends such as lily,lucy,tom and tony.

for example 一般用于举例说明,后面一般接句子,用逗号隔开。

water is very example,it can be used for drinking and bathing.

11. used (not) to do sth.过去常(不)做某事。

be/get used to (doing) sth 习惯于。。。

注意:be used to do sth表示:某物被用于做某事。

12. one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数表示“。。当中最。。。的一个”

he is one of the best students in his class.

重点拓展:其疑问句和否定句有两种变化:既可以在主语之前加did,也可以把used 提到句首变成疑问句;否定句可在used 后直接加 not,也可以在主语后加didn’t;如:

the people used not to be so friendly= the people didn’t use to be so friendly.

did you use to live here?=used you to live here?

is just an hour from the centre of paris,and it offers many of the same attractions as the disney parks in the usa.

a. just an hour from 是指“距离。。。仅一个小时路程”针对它提问要用how far.


offer sb sth= offer sth to sb给某人某物 offer to do sth 主动提出做某事。


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