
发布 2022-07-22 16:59:28 阅读 3925


一。 年级: 七年级。

二。 教学内容: 7a unit 1 this is me!

三。 课型:grammar

四。 教学目标。

1. 知识目标:1) 会运用本课时的四会单词。

2) 语法:行为动词的一般现在时。

2. 能力目标: 会运用行为动词的一般现在时描述与本单元话题有关的内容。

五。 教学重难点。

1. 重点:行为动词的一般现在时。

2. 难点: 行为动词一般现在时的第三人称单数。


part one lead-in

step 1 revision and presenting ****** present tense of the verb “todo” 用时5分钟。

t: how old are you?

s: i’m 13/ 14.

t: is your partner 13 too? do you know?

if you don’t know, please ask her/ him. then tell me. 你们知道你们的同桌几岁吗?

如果不知道请互相问一下。然后告诉我。you can use “how old are you?

” or “are you…?”

s1: are you…?

s2: …s1: he/ she is …

t: good. i want to know more about you. can you tell me something about yourself?


t: do you want to know sth. about me? look at the bb. this is me.

t:上节课我们学习了be动词的一般现在时,这节课我们要学习行为动词的一般现在时。请同学们看黑板。当主语是i 时,动词有变化吗?


step 2 practice 用时 3分钟。

1. t: now please help millie complete her profile.

use the words from the box. finish part b on page 14.

t: are you ready? now please tell me the answers one by one.

t: you h**e done a good job. now please read the sentences in the table.

除了i 后,动词用原形外,还有we, you, they后动词用原形。即当主语是第。


step 3 teach “don’t do”. 用时3分钟。

1. t: i don’t like fish.

do you like fish? (停顿) some of you don’t like fish. we don’t like fish.

they don’t like fish. don’t means do not. 仔细观察,他们是如何变成否定句的?

(停顿)当主语是第一,第二或第三人称复数时,其否定形式借助于do not= don’t来否定。

2. 请把第14页上b部分的6句话改成否定句。let’s do it one by one.

step 4 teach “do…do?” 用时3分钟。

1. t: do you live in a flat in beijing?

s: no, i don’t.

t: do you h**e breakfast at 7

s: yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

t: some of you say “yes”, some of you say “no”. 当主语是第一,第二或第三人称复数时,是如何来提问的?(停顿)借助于do来提问。

2. t: what do your classmates do after school?

do you want to know? ask and answer in pairs like the model. you can use the phrases in the box.

step 5 teach “does” 用时3分钟。

1. t: do you know much about millie?

yes. where does she live? when does she h**e breakfast?

who does she go to school with? what does she do every day? and sometimes she flies a kite (放风筝) with her dog.

当主语是she时动词是如何变化的呢?(停顿)当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,动词加s或es.

2. 动词如何加s或es?(停顿) 直接加s;辅音字母加y,改y为i再加es;以s,ch,sh,x结尾的动词,加es; h**e变成has

3. t: 将下列动词变成第三人称单数。(停顿) now let’s check the answers.

read swim play draw like h**e teach study do

step 6 teach “doesn’t…?”用时3分钟。

1. t: look at the boy. who is he? does he like swimming?

s: no, he loves playing football.

t: he loves playing football. but he doesn’t love swimming.

t: does he wear glasses? who wears glasses?

s: no, he doesn’t. daniel wears glasses.

t: daniel wears glasses. simon doesn’t wear glasses.

t: 观察这两组句子,他们是如何由肯定句变为否定句的?(停顿) 是的。

当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,其否定句要借助于does not/ doesn’t,后面的动词用原形。特别要注意doesn’t的拼写。

2. 将下列句子变成否定句。(停顿)now please give me the answers one by one.

step 7 teach “does…?”用时3分钟。

1. t: look at amy.

does she h**e long hair?(停顿) does she love swimming?(停顿) 当主语是she时如何提问及回答?


2. talk about daniel. ask and answer in pairs like the model.

3 read the tables on page 13.

step 8 consolidation 用时3分钟。

1. t: complete part c on page 14. then ask and answer in pairs.

2. complete part d on page 15

t: i’d like to ask 2 of you to read the dialogue.

3. t: work out the rule. we use “do not” with the pronouns i you we and they.

we use “ does not” with the pronouns he she and it.

4. t: complete part e on page 15.

t: now i want to ask some of you to read the sentences one by one.

5. t: now please underline some phrases.

1) walk home 2) take the bus 3) at the weekend 4) go running for half an hour 5) be good at

step 9 summary 用时2分钟。

行为动词的一般现在时,当主语是第三人称单数时,其肯定句的动词加s或es;其否定句借助于does not / doesn’t来否定,后面的动词用原形;其一般疑问句借助于does来提问,动词用原形。

当主语是其他人称时,其肯定句动词不变;其否定句借助于do not / don’t来否定;其一般疑问句借助于do来提问。

step 10. homework 用时1分钟。

1. 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1)lucy and lilybe) twins. theybe) from america. theylike ) chinese food.

2). li hualike ) the lunch in our school.

3). igo ) to school by bus. hego ) to school on his bike.

4yougo ) to school by bike?

5). weplay ) games on tuesday and thursday.

6the twinsspeak ) english?

7)tomnot, h**e ) a short ruler. heh**e ) a long one.

8). hewatch ) tv every day.

9).my father __be) good at english, but henot, be ) good at japanese.


第一部分简要提示。一。年级 七年级。二。教学内容 7a unit 1 this is me 三。课型 grammar 四。教学目标。1.知识目标 1 会运用本课时的四会单词。2 语法 行为动词的一般现在时。2.能力目标 会运用行为动词的一般现在时描述与本单元话题有关的内容。五。教学重难点。1.重点 ...


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