
发布 2023-03-09 01:55:28 阅读 9480

人教版第七单元it’s raining单元知识点总结。

rain i like walking in the rain. 我喜欢在雨中散步。

it is going to rain. 要下雨了。



what do you usually do in the rainy weather? 你通常在阴雨的天气里做什么?



how's the weather?

一how's the weather today?今天天气怎么样? 一it's cloudy.多云的。

一how is the weather in beijing? 北京的天气怎么样? 一lt's raining. 在下雨。

点拨与思考】该句型常用来询问天气状况,意为“天气怎么样?”,其后还可接表示时间或地点的短语,如例句所示。其答语通常为“it's + 表示天气状况的形容词或动名词”。表示天气。


知识拓展】what's the weather like?”是“how's the weather?”的同义句型,二者可互换使用。

例② 可以表述成: what's the weather like in beijing?


is lisa talking on the phone again? 莉萨又在讲**吗?


知识拓展】again的常用短语有:again and again“一再地”和once again“再一次”。如:

she tells her son again and again not to do that. 她一再地告诉她儿子别那样做。


i'm also visiting some of my old friends. 我也拜访了我的一些老朋友。

she wants to visit tian'anmen square this weekend. 她想在这周末参观天安门广场。


知识拓展】visit也可用作名词,意为“参观;看望”,其后常接介词to, 其常用短语为:h**e/pay a visit to ..意为“参观某地/拜访某人”。如:

it's my first visit to the history museum. 这是我第一次参观历史博物馆。

this afternoon, we pay a visit to 今天下午,我们去拜访了怀特先生。

hardare you studying hard, or are you h**ing fun? 你正在努力学习,还是在开心地玩。

点拨与思考】hard可用作副词,意为“努力地”,常用来修饰动词,如例句所示。其常用短语有:work hard “努力工作”和study hard“努力学习”。

知识拓展】hard还可以用作形容词,意为“困难的”,常用在名词前作定语或be动词后作表语。如:this is a hard question. 这是一个难题。

it's hard to find a good job. 要找到一个好工作是困难的。


1.例句:--how’s the weather ?

天气怎么样? -it’s cloudy./it’s sunny.

/it’s raining.多云。/晴天。



how’s the weather? what’s the weather like ?两个句型后面都可以加“in+ 地点”,用以询问“某地天气如何”


回答询问天气的问句时,通常用:“it’s +表示天气的形容词”。常见的该类形容词有:

fine(晴朗的) dry(干燥的) warm(温暖的) cold( 寒冷的) cool(凉爽的) hot(炎热的) rainy(下雨的)

snowy(下雪的) sunny(晴朗的) cloudy(多云的)等。

同时也可以用现在进行时进行回答:it’s raining/snowing 正在下雨/ 下雪。

例句: -how’s the weather in your city?—it’s warm.

--what’s the weather like in shanghai?—it’s raining now.

例1:how’s the weather in shanghai?( 同义句转换 )

例2it’s sunny today.

was the weather yesterday? are you doing?

fine the weather like today?

例3.—how’s the weather there? -great. it’s __i can make a snowman tomorrow.


is what beijing like the weather in


1. how is the weather like

a b c d

2. the weather is windy and rain

a b cd

二 、现在进行时。

1. 例句:--what are you doing? -i am cooking.

---what are they doing? -they’re playing basketball in the park.

---what’s he doing?--he’s studying at his friend’s home.

2.用法:1)表示说话时动作正在发生或进行。they are watching tv.他们正在看电视。


he’s working hard at his lesson this year. 今年他一直在努力学习。


i’m le**ing tomorrow.我明天动身。

my parents are coming back tomorrow.我的父母明天回来。

4)有些动词,如know,lie(位于),h**e,own(拥有),belong to(属于),like,love,want,hope等,通常不用于进行时态。

i like going shopping with my friends.

this book belongs to me.这本书是我的。


are his parents watch tv

a b c d

例7.--look at the picture! what’s the man doing?--he is __a camel(骆驼)

a.ride b. to ride c. rode

例8. there are come boys___soccer in the playground.

c. are playing


1.--what __they __do) over there? -they’re talking about a movie.

father __cook) in the kitchen now. he’s a good __cook).

注:cook “做饭”“厨师” cooker“炊具”

3. itsnow) in moscow now. often __play) computer games.


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