
发布 2023-03-08 18:57:28 阅读 7295



一。词组互译 (14分)




7.在抽屉里8. 在包里。




二。根据句意及首字母提示写出下列单词 (8分)

.--where' s my backpack? -it's u___the table .

.--where are my booksi don't k

.--where are her keysthey're o___the table .

.--where are his booksthey're i___the bookcase.


1. where __my book? a. is b. are c. can d. do

2. where __his keys? a. is b. are c. can d. do

3.--where' s my baseballunder the bed.

a. it b. it's c. they d. they're

4.--where are his penson the desk .

a. it b. it's c. they d. they're

5.--where is the bagi __know. a. is b. isn't c. do d. don't

6my baseball? -it's under the chair.

a. where's b. where c. where're d. where are

7.--under the tree? -no , they aren't.

a. where'sb. are they c. where is d. am i

8.--where is my rulera. yes, it is here.

b. no, it is not on the desk. c. it's under the desk. d. they’re in the box.

9. is your key in the drawer

a. yes, i am. b. no, it is. c. yes, it is. d. no, i'm not.

10. _my baseball? it's under the chair. a. where b. where's

c. where're d. is that

11.--is the baseball on the desk? -yes, _is. a. they b. it

c. the baseball d. it’s

12.--where __tom's books? -they're __the floor.

a. is; in b. are; in c. is; on d. are; on

13. can you __these things to your brother, tom?

a. take b. bring c. fetch d. carry

14.--where's shanghai?--it's __china. a. inb. in thec. atd. on

15. these are my___a. key b. keys c. keies d. keyes


1.--where's the backpack? -is it __the table?

--no, it isn't. it is on the table.

2.where is the soccer ball? oh, it's __在…下面)the table.

3.where is the pencil case? is it __在…里面)the backpack?

四。阅读短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确写t,错误的写f (10分)

this is a picture of the twin sisters' room. it is a nice room. lily's books are on the desk.

her backpack is on the floor. liz's pencils are on the books. her backpack is behind her chair.

their coats are behind the door. we can't see lily and liz in the picture. they're not at home.

1. this is a picture of lily and liz's room

2. lily's backpack is behind the chair

3. liz's and lily's coats are on the chair

4. lily and liz are not at home

5. their room is nice

五。句型转换。 (6分)

1. my backpack is under the chair. (划线部分提问)

2. the plant is on the table. (对划线部分提问)

3. my dictionary is in the backpack. (变一般疑问句)

六. 翻译下列句子。(21分)

1、我的书包在床上。__backpack isbed.

2、他的手表在椅子的下面。his watchthe

3、你的字典在**? 它在梳妆台上。

___your dictionaryon the __

4.--你的电脑游戏在背包里吗?--是的, 它在。

yourgame __the backpack?

5、 我的书在**? 我不知道, 在床上吗? 不, 它们不在。

-- where __my booksthey on the bed?

-- no, they

七. 作文(20分)假如你是bob,写张便条,告诉tom把下列东西带给你的朋友,mary。 cd, math book, pen, pencil, eraser, bookcase, i d card---


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