
发布 2023-03-08 19:36:28 阅读 4287

2015-2016学年度七年级英语下册unit 4单元综合测练题。

时间:30 mins)



1. it’s __方便)to go to foshan by underground now.

2. plants can产生)oxygen.

3. mike is the top student in our school. he always sets a good榜样)for us.

4. can you想象)what the world will be like without water or air?

5. traffic jam is the主要的)problem of this city.

6. there is a set of old家具)in miss brown’s new house.

7. we should try our best to与···作斗争)against air pollution.

8. the factory always gives some bad气体)into the air.

9. human beings need氧气)to breathe on earth.

10. the teacher asks us to讨论)with each other about this problem.


11. many people try to s___the people in trouble after the earthquake.

12. li lei sets a good e___for other students at school.

13. in autumn, the b___and le**es become dry and yellow.

14. until now doctors don’t find the medicine to cure(**)this kind of d___

15. the little mouse ran into the h___as it saw the cat.



there was a small village near the mountain. there were a lot of trees in the mountain. people in the __16__ always got something from it, such as animals and trees.

when they wanted to __17__ a house, they cut down the trees. and they also killed the animals for __18___trees were very __19___in their daily life. they made tables, chairs __20__ beds by cutting down the trees.

in addition, when they __21___meals, they still used some trees for wood. however, they only cut down trees but __22__ planted new trees. so the trees were fewer and fewer; the animals were becoming __23__ as well.

one summer, it rained __24__ in the village. the rain lasted for about a week. the soil and the stones on the mountain fell down and soon __25___the whole village.

they finally knew they couldn’t only cut down trees but also needed to protect them.

)16. a. river b. mountain c. villaged. city

)17. a. build b. makec. paintd. le**e

)18. a. vegetables b. clothesc. fruitd. meat

)19. a. careful b. successful c. beautiful d. useful

)20. a. withb. andc. butd. also

)21. a. ateb. boughtc. cooked d. washed

)22. a. never b. alwaysc. oftend. ever

)23. a. cooking b. killingc. dyingd. lying

)24. a. fully b. hardlyc. he**ily d. healthily

)25. a. turned b. covered c. tookd. put


26. eating too much junk food is __harm) for our health.

27. the camel(骆驼)is a __use)animal when you tr**el in the desert.

28. the farmer __dig)out a lot of carrots from his land yesterday.

29. it is faster and __convenient)to tr**el by plane than by train nowadays.

30. the students are __discuss)a problem about maths with mr lee.

31. people tried their best to __fight)against poverty.

32. this machine always __produce)much strange gas when it works.

33. when i was young, i always __imagine)my beautiful future.

34. jack, can you help me __move)this he**y box?

35. she __carry)three boxes to the classroom just now.


in fact take in look around come from for example

36. my new classmate alicegermany.

37his success doesn’t come easily.

38. there are many kinds of pollutionnoise is a kind of pollution.

39. we should keep windows open tothe fresh air.

40. concentrate(集中)on your study. don’t


)41. air pollution is a major pollution.

a. big and important b. smallc. easyd. not important

)42. trees produce oxygen for us to breathe.

a. getb. makec. god. take

)43. we talk about the problem in our class meeting yesterday afternoon.

a. discussb. discussed c. thinkd. thought

)44. do you come from australia?

a. are...fromb. do...from c. do...come d. are...come from

)45. i really did my homework by myself this time.

a. alongb. of oneself c. aloned. h**e no time


)46. _animals are going to move to the south when the winter is coming.

a. million b. millions c. a millions of d. millions of

)47. the cup is so beautiful. is it __glass?


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