
发布 2022-08-06 10:50:28 阅读 1699

一. 基础过关。

1.在桌子下2. 在床上3. 在书柜里。

4.在沙发上6. 在椅子下7. 在书包里。

8.书桌9. 在我的房间里10. 广播___

11. 玩具模型___12. 闹钟___13. 帽子___14. 录音机___

15. 磁带,录音___16. 在你的头上17. 整洁的___

18. 在我爷爷和奶奶的房间里19. 到处___20.问___

21.总是___22. 地图___一张中国地图___

23. 我们的___名词不加名词

24. 他们的___名词不加名词。



27. 它在椅子下吗yesno, _

28. 它们在书柜里吗yesno, _

29. 长在树上___外来物在树上30. 我有一个钟表。

31. 我不知道32. 一张我房间的**___


一)选择 1.—_my pencil? -it’s here. a. what b. how c. where d. where’re

2. my home is __shanghai. a. in b. to c. of d. on

3. we can see some apples __the tree and two birds __the tree.

a. on, on in . c. on, on d. in, in

4. where are my keys

a. yes, they are b. it’s on the table c. sorry, i don’t know.

5. look __the map. it’s a map __china. a. at, at b. at, of at

6.__alarm clock an a cd___on the desk. a. an, a b. an, are c. a, is is

those cds on the sofaa. yes, they are those are c. yes, it is

8. are tom’s pens___the pencil case? yes,__are. it b on,we they

9. don’t put the books__ the bed. please put___on the table.

a. on, them b. in, them c. on, it

10. my school bag is __my room __the floor. b. in, on c. on,on

11. the map is in my___room. a. sister b. brother c. cousin d. sister’s

12. the picuture is in my __room.

b. grandparents’ c. grandparents’sis

13. mr green is __english teacher. a. mine b. our c. hers d. yours

14. what’s under the bed

a. he’s helen. b. it’s a baseball c. they’re baseball. d. she’s helen.

15. look! this is a picture __my bedroom. _bedroom is tidy.

a. of, a b. of, the c. for, a d. for, the

二) 阅读理解。

my name is tom. i am a boy. this is my room.

it's very messy( 凌乱的). my quilt is on the floor. my books and dictionary are on my bed.

the computer game is under the bed. my pencil box is in the bookcase. my schoolbag is on the chair.

my keys are on the desk.

1. what’s the boy’s name? his name is___

2. what is his room like? his room is __

3. where’s his quilt? his quilt is __

4. where’re his books? his books are __

5. what are on the desk. his___are on the desk.

三) 完形填空。

this is my bedroom. you can see __1 pictures on the wall. the light(台灯) is_2_ the desk.

the football is _3_ the chair. _4_the bed? it’s near the table.

my father and _5__ bedroom is near my bedroom. _6_ flowers and a bed are in 7___room. some windows are _8_ the wall.

a yellow door __9_ in the wall, too. i like my bedroom__10__.

1. a. a b. an c. /d. some 2. a. from b. on c. of d. about..

3. a. in b. under d. for 4. c. how’s d. who’s

5 .a. mother b. mother’s c. sister 6. a piece of b. a c. some

7 a. their b. they 8.

9. a. is b. are c. be d. am 10. b .much too c. very much d. much very

四) 翻译。

1.被子在床上。 the quilt

2.棒球在椅子的下面。 the baseballs

3. 你的铅笔在你的铅笔盒里。 your pencils

4. 钥匙在桌子上面吗?没在__ the keys __the __no

5.我的书包在**my school bag?

6.她的钥匙在**? 它们在桌子上keysthe table.

7.它们在书柜里吗? 对不起,我不知道the __sorry, _i __

8. 你的铅笔盒在书包包里吗your __

不,没在。 no

五) 连词成句。

1. on, the , the, desk, is , book

2. my, where, keys, are

3. hat, on, my, chair, is, the

4. your, pencil box, is, where, it, my, backpack, is, in

5. they, the , under, are, chair, they, no, aren’t


a: excuse me

b: my books are in my backpack.

Unit4 七年级上

unit4 where s my backpack?my backpack?我的背包在哪呢?the backpack.在背包里边。my books?我的书呢 the the bed 在床下面。baseball?我的棒球呢 the chair 在椅子上面。the table在桌子上面 the dres...


unit 4 过关练习。单词过关 1.where is your basketball?it s u the table.2.there is 有 a 书桌 in my room.3.my schoolbag is on the 椅子 4 where is the cd play it s on t...


新目标英语七年级unit4 where s my backpack?说课稿。新课标强调,学生是学习的主体,教师是学生学习的合作者 引导者 参与者,教师要在教学过程关注学生情感,激发其学习兴趣,帮助他们里学习的成就感和自信心。因此,在这节课的设计上,我结合学生实际情况,力求使课堂成为老师做引导,学生体...