
发布 2022-10-23 05:52:28 阅读 5959

二.用指示代词this, that,these或those的适当形式填空。

1. what’sover there(在那边)?—it’s a bus.

2. are __your books?— yes, they are.

3. are___your pencils? —no, my pencils are here.

4. hellois jane. is __peter?


1. my aunt has threebrother).

2. here are some___photo).

3. there are two___boy) in the picture.

4. is that his___orange)?

5. i h**e fourdictionary).


1. it’s his family photo.(改为复数句)

his family___

2. are those jackets? (改为单数句)


3. they are girls.(改为单数形式)

4. this is my father. this is my mother. (合并为一句,句意不变)

___are my __

5. that is her sister.(改为复数句)




对应词)__and mother(合并为一词)__

同义词)__6. he(物主代词)__

主格)__8. don’t(完全形式)__

9. are not(缩写)__10. this(反义词)__

复数)__12. that(复数)__

复数)__14. photo(复数)__


1. tom! _my parents.

a. this is b. that is c. it is d. these are

2. _is alice?—she is my cousin.

a. who b. what color

3. are those your brothers

a. yes , those are b. no, those aren’t c. no, these aren’t they are

4. is that your friend? —

a. yes, it’s b. yes, it isn’t c. yes, it is d. yes, he is

5. he plays basketball___

a. nice b. fine c. good

6. my parent___at home.

a. am

7. they __good friends.

8. boys and girls, today is sunday(星期天). h**e a good time

a. thank you! you, too. b. we won’t be happy.

c. yes d. no, you don’t say it.

9. look! this is a___of my friend. she used to(过去常常)h**e short hair(短发).

10. _your books.

a. here are b. here is c. are here d. is here

三. 按要求进行句型转换(10分)

1. this is my friend. (变为复数句。

2. is that your baseball? (变为复数句。

3. these computers are new. (变为单数句。

4. are those dictionaries here? (变为单数句。

5. it‘s my backpack. (变为复数句。

6. these are his grandparents.(变为一般疑问句。

7. those are photos. (就画线部分提问。

8. are these school things? (作否定回答。

9. the woman teacher is at school. (变为复数句。

10. this is a girl student.(变为复数句。

四。 连词成句,请注意标点符号。

1. your, is, sister, lily

2. are, these, brothers, her

3. photo, family, my, here, is

4. much, very, love, parents, my, i

五.写作。下面是sally给好朋友anna的一封信,介绍全家福,假如你是**中的女孩sally,根据上述内容把这封信补充完整,开头结尾已经给出。 40-50词左右,可以合理想象。

dear annai would like to know your family. please write to me soon.

your friend,sally

人教版七年级上册英语 单词Unit

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