
发布 2022-10-23 05:48:28 阅读 2247


unit 2 how often do you exercise? 第一课时 section a (1a-2c)

1. 学习目标:熟练运用本课词汇及句型谈论活动及其发生的频率。

掌握重要句型① a: what do you usually do on weekends?

b: i often go to the movies.

a: how often do you watch tv? b: twice a week

2 重点、难点:频率词汇及询问活动频率、一般现在时态的熟练运用。





4)网上冲浪5)一周一次6)一月两次 __



三.自学1a 至2d,完成下列要求。


a _help with houeswork bc


always (100usually (80often (30-50

sometimes (20%) hardly ever(5never (0%)

四: 知识链接 (摘抄到语法笔记上)

how often 多久一次,用来提问动作发生的频率。回答用:once,twice, three times 等词语。

how often do you play sports? three times a week.

how long 多长,用来询问多长时间,也可询问某物有多长。

how long does it take to get to shanghai from here? how long is the ruler?

how far 多远, 用来询问距离,指路程的远近。 how far is it from here to the park? it’s about 2 kilometers.

练一练:1h**e you been in china? -for 3 years.

2do his parents let him watch tv .

---once a week.

3can i jump? —two metres


一次 once,两次 twice,三次或三次以上用基数词加上 times:

three times, five times, one hundred times


once a day/ a week/ a month/ a year

twice a day/ a week/ a month/ a year

time 表示不可数名词,意为“时间”。


练一练:what time is it? 中time的意思是。

i go to the movies three times a week. 中time 的意思是。


talk 2. listen 1b,2a.2b

当堂训练 】

1. mary does some __shop) on sundays.

2. mike goes to see his grandparentsone) a week.

3. he didn’t go to school. he couldhard) read or write.

4. sheexercise) every day to keep healthy.

5 .how manytime) h**e you been to beijing?


old man体育锻炼)every morning.

often go shopping在周末).

little boy曾经)falls off that tall tree.

4多久一次)do you see your grandma?

几乎不曾)goes to restaurant for dinner.

don't often看电影).i usually watch tⅴ.

7. 10. my f**orite pis the cctv news.

8. you should look after your健康).

unit 2 how often do you exercise? 第二课时 section a(2d-3c)

1. 学习目标: 熟练运用本课词汇及句型谈论活动及其发生的频率。.

2.重点、难点频率词汇及询问活动频率 、一般现在时态的熟练运用。


二. 汉译英

1)空闲的2)相当,非常3) 上、、、课。

4)什么种类5) 摇摆舞6) 不得不做。

7) 你正在学习何种舞蹈。

三.读3遍grammar focus,完成3a和3b .




3. some time表示一些时间或一段时间,用作名词短语


练一练 come to see us

we lived in the country for

he went there by bus.

she has been to beijing

课中交流]show (2d) and check the answers 3a\3b in class



always, every day, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever

1. hegets up at six o’clock.

2. how __do you go to the movies?

3. itrains here. it’s usually sunny and warm.

4. some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food,but the others eat junk food

5. 1 can’t swim. so igo to the beach to swim.

sometimes i go there with my friends to run.


you books read often do english ?

2. watch do how often you tv?

3. weekend you usually what do do on?

4. weekend do parents what your do on?


he is pretty h___he tries to exercise e___day. and his eating habits are p___good. he often eats a lot of vu___ten to eleven t___a week.

and he eats f___every day and he d___milk every day. but he doesn’t love j___food very much, so he t___to eat it only once a week. and he sleeps nine h___every n___so you see, he looks a___his health.

and it makes a big d___to his grades. good f___and exercise help him to study better.


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