
发布 2022-10-23 04:38:28 阅读 1742



teaching topic : unit 1 topic 2 section c

teaching time : 9 月日。

一. 前提测评:(见学案)

二. 教学目标:teaching aims and demands

1. (1)learn some numbers: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

2)learn other new words: telephone, number, it

2. talk about personal information:

what’s your telephone number?

my telephone number/it is 6800-3553.

三. 教学方法:自主学习●小组讨论● 兵教兵小组合作**。

四. 教具:多**。多**课件。英语电子教材光盘。

五. 新课导入:


1. (师生问候。出示事先准备好的两张本班学生的**,进行问答练习。)

t: look at the pictures, who are they? now look at the first one.

t: who is shess: she is s1.

t: where is she fromss: she is from …

t: who is hess: he is s2.

t: where is he fromss: he is from …

t: where are they fromss: he is from … and she is from …

2. (找出来自不同地方的两个学生,就这两个学生向学生们提问。)

t: are they from henans1: no, they aren’t.

t: where are they from, then s2: he is from fujian and she is from jiangsu.

然后再带领学生复习is he/she from …?等句型。)

3. (出示各个国家的国旗及其标志性建筑物或景观的**,复习国家名称。)

t: which country is it? ss: japan. ss: the ss: england.

ss: china. ss: canada. ss: cuba.

t: if you go abroad someday, how can i contact you?(教师解释go abroad和contact)ss用**。

t: s1, can you tell me your telephone number? s1: yes, i can. 138… t: it is 138 …


t: but how to say it in english? let’s begin to learn numbers.




1. (教师手持0-10的数字卡片,上面是阿拉伯数字,下面是英文单词。对折卡片,只出示阿拉伯数字,先示范每个数字的读音,要求学生先静听,再跟读。完成1a。)

t: look at these numbers carefully, then listen to me and follow.

板书)2. (教师连续朗读这11个数字,强调前10个数字用升调,最后一个用降调,并要求学生跟读。目的是培养学生语感。)

t: read the numbers from zero to ten, and then from ten to zero.

t: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

ss: zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

3. (**1a 录音,让学生模仿正确的语音语调。)

t: listen to the tape. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

4. (双人活动。一个学生用中文说出数字,另一个学生用英文说出这个数字,从而使学生能够准确熟练地掌握数字0-10的英文说法。)

t: work in pairs. one says the numbers in chinese, and the other says the numbers in english.

5. (教师在黑板上写出一组数字(0468)7533-8593,让学生试着以最快的速度读出。)

t: this is my telephone number. (0468)7533-8593. what’s your telephone number?

s1: my telephone number/it is …(帮助学生回答。)

t: what’s your telephone number?



1. (启发学生用英语数自己的手指,文具盒里的笔,书包里的书本,教室里的窗和灯等,把枯燥无味的数字融入现实的情境中进行学习,激发学生的学习兴趣。)

t: count your fingers or school things in english numbers.

2. (教师出示1b教学挂图,完成1b。)

t: we can see the numbers everywhere. now look and say the numbers in 1b.


t: picture 1. (车牌号)

s1: three two eight three.


t: picture 2. (信封邮编)

s2: zero five two two six zero

t: picture 3. (qq号码)

s3: one five eight one four one zero two eight

3. (教师在黑板上写出英文数字,让学生说出汉语。)

t: please read these numbers in chinese.

4. (两人一组,一个同学用英语说出一串数字,先从位数少的说起,另一个同学用汉语说出来。)

t: let’s say some numbers. one speaks in english, and the other speaks in chinese.


1. (教师出示3a教学挂图,进行问答练习。)

t: now look at the picture. what’s the telephone number?

ss: it is 6800-3553.

2. (**3a录音,学生跟读并模仿其语音语调。)

t: listen to 3a and read after it. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (同桌之间互相操练。完成3a。)

4. (学生用真实信息互动操练,并表演,完成3b。)

5. (**2,并完成2。提醒学生注意单词的重音及音节。)

t: number the countries you hear. then pay attention to the stress and syllables.



九 homework:

⑴ recite new wordsrecite notebook

do workbookdo the *****





英语教案。七年级上册 授课教师 姜丽娜。teaching topic unit 1 topic 2 section a teaching time 9 月日。一 前提测评 见学案 二 教学目标 teaching aims and demands 1.learn some personal prono...


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