
发布 2022-10-23 04:39:28 阅读 7394



teaching topic : unit 1 topic 2 section a

teaching time : 9 月日。

一. 前提测评:(见学案)

二. 教学目标:teaching aims and demands

1. learn some personal pronouns and possessive pronouns: me, your, she, he, we

2. learn some country names: canada, japan, england

3. learn other new words and phrases: excuse me, what, name, where, from, be from,

4. talk about people’s names and where they are from:

1)—excuse me, are you janeyes, i am.

2)—what’s your namemy name is sally.

3)—where are you fromi’m from canada.

4)—are you from canada, toono, i’m not.

5)—is he/sheyes, he/she is./no, he/she isn’t.

6)—where is he/she fromhe/she is from …

三. 教学方法:自主学习●小组讨论● 兵教兵小组合作**。

四. 教具:多**。多**课件。英语电子教材光盘。

五. 新课导入:

通过对话,复习topic 1的见面问候语,并导入本课新单词和新句型。

1. (师生问候,复习前一话题所学知识,为此课学习作铺垫。)

t: good morning, classss: good morning, miss wang!

t: nice to see youss: nice to see you, too.

t: how are you todayss: fine, thanks. and you?

t: i’m ok转向一名学生向他询问问题并示意他回答。)

t: hello, are you xiao ming? s1: yes, i am.

t: nice to meet you.



拿出准备好的卡片进行问答,卡片上写有canada, england, the japan, cuba, china这些国家的名称,背面写有来自相应国家的人物jane, tony, sally, yukio, maria, kangkang。)

t: who is this?(教师解释并示意学生回答ss: this is jane.

t: great, she is jane, and she is from canada.


t: who is this?(拿出tony的**ss: this is tony.(帮助回答并领读tony。)

t: great, he is tony, and he is from england.


t: excuse me, who is she?(拿出sally的**。) ss: she is sally.(帮助回答并领读sally。)

t: where is she from?(教师解释并领读此句。) ss: she is from the 帮助回答。)

板书并要求学生掌握excuse me和where;理解the

t: excuse me, what’s your name?(拿出yukio的**给其中的一个学生。)

s3: my name is yukio.(帮助学生回答。)

t: where are you from?(老师解释并领读此句。) s3: i am from japan.(帮助回答。)


t: excuse me, is he kangkang?(拿出康康的**。) ss: yes, he is.

t: is he from japanss: no, he isn’t.(帮助学生回答。)


t: where is he fromss: he is from china.

t: are we from china?(老师解释并做相应的手势表示“我们”。)ss: yes, we are.(帮助学生回答。)


1. (出示1a教学挂图,让学生观察人物,猜测她们之间的对话内容。设置听力任务,**1a录音。)

t: look at the picture. guess what they are talking about.

now let’s listen to 1a and answer the following questions.


2. (再次**1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿对话内容,注意语音语调。)

t: now let’s listen to 1a again and read after it. pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

3. (让学生独自朗读1a,并找出关键句型,根据关键句型进行对话练习,完成1a。)

t: read 1a by yourselves, and find out the key sentence patterns in 1a. then practice the conversation according to the key sentence patterns in pairs.


1. (结合学生的自身情况,给学生两分钟时间,两人一组操练如下句型。让学生站起来或到台前来表演。)

t: now work in pairs. act out the conversation with your own names in two minutes.

you can practice like this:

excuse me, are you …?

yes, i am. what’s your name?

my name is …

2. (再给学生两分钟时间,两人一组操练下列句型。要求学生首先使用本课所学的国家名称来表演,然后再用自己的真实情况如所在区或村来表演。方式同上。)

t: i’ll give you another two minutes. make similar dialogs like this :

where are you from?

i’m from … are you from …?

no, …i’m from …


s1: where are you from?

s2: i’m from zhongguancun. are you from zhongguancun?

s1: no, i’m not. i’m from bagoucun.

3. (将上述两步结合起来表演,完成1b。)

t: now make your own conversations according to 1a. finish 1b.


s3: excuse me, are you wang wei?

s4: yes, i am. what’s your name?

s3: my name is li lei. where are you from?

s4: i’m from beijing. are you from beijing, too?

s3: no, i’m not. i’m from shanghai.


九 homework:

⑴ recite new wordsrecite notebook

do workbookdo the *****





英语教案。七年级上册 授课教师 姜丽娜。teaching topic unit 1 topic 2 section c teaching time 9 月日。一 前提测评 见学案 二 教学目标 teaching aims and demands 1.1 learn some numbers zero...


topic unit 2 date 12period 3 teaching aims and demands and master the usage of noun and master the usage of h e to express the color of things useful ...


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