
发布 2022-10-23 04:41:28 阅读 7485

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark

教学内容:人教版新目标九年级unit two section b(period 1)

教材分析:本单元通过对人物外貌及性格变化的描写,以be afraid of 结构为框架,以used to 结构的表达为主要内容,进行多角度地反复练习。section b 主要以听力为主,通过对听力的训练,继续练习 used to 结构的使用。

在内容上又增加了有关爱好方面的词汇和表达,同时也练习 used to 结构否定形式的表达和运用。

教学目标:1.知识目标:1)vocabulary: insect candy chew gum

2) phrase: worry about; all the time

3) useful expressions: i used to like…

i didn’t use to like…

2.能力目标: 1)通过对自己现在和过去的比较,熟练掌握 used to 的用法。



教学重点:used to 的肯定和否定形式变化。

教学难点: 对听力的理解。



教学步骤:step ⅰ let’s revise

1. greetings

2. play a piece of music of jay chou, who is loved by most of the students

t: do you know who the singer of this song is?

s: jay chou.

t: right. now look at these two pictures of jay chou.

one is about his childhood, .the other is about now. can you talk about the differences between now and past.

s1: he used to be short, but now he is tall.

s2: he used to h**e short hair, but now he has long hair.

s3: he used to be a little fat, but now he is thin.

s4: …通过呈现学生喜欢的歌手的**,让学生通过对比他的过去和现在,无形之中复习了used to 的用法,培养了学生口头表达的能力,也引发了学生的学习兴趣。)

step ⅱ let’s learn

1. present a picture of insects: butterfly, spider, etc.

t: do you know what they are?

students can answer them easily.

t: but do you know they h**e the same name: ‘insect’

s: insect(repeat several times)

2. present the picture of ‘candy’, and teach students how to read and write

3. present the picture of ‘gum’, and do the action of “chew”, teach students these two words


step ⅲ let’s discuss

1. present questions:

did you like gym class when you were a child?

did you like painting pictures when you were a child?

did you like spiders and other insects when you were a child?

did you like music class when you were a child?

t: if so , you can expression like this: i used to like … when i was a child.

ok, then you can discuss the topic with your partner :

what did you use to do when you were a child?

学生自由谈论,充分发挥,利用use to 不断创造出新的语言,培养了学生口头表达的能力。)

2. after discussion freely, ask one or two students to speak in front of the class.


step ⅳ let’s listen

1. t: look at the textbook 2a, listen and check the sentences you hear.

1i didn’t use to like tests. 2)._we used to walk to school 3i used to hate gym class.

4). i used to be on the soccer team.

before listening , the teacher explain two language points:

1 the negative of used to→ didn’t use to

2 on the school team, pay attention to the prep ‘on’

2. listen again, fill in the blank, then check the answers.

after check the answers ,let students pay attention to the phrase: worry about, and explain it to students.

eg. don’t go home late, or your parents will worry about you.


step ⅴ exs:

1. i __to the music, but now i’m getting interested in it.

a. didn’t use b. didn’t used c. don’t use d. don’t used

2. i am worrying __my test.

a. for b. about c. of d. in


step ⅵ pair work and writing practice

t: compare yourself with your partner, here is an example for you:

a: i used to eat candy all the time. did you?

b: yes, i did. and i used to chew gum a lot.

you can talk freely to each other.

after this, let students write about themselves by comparing his past and now.


教学反思:1. 本教案始终贯穿了“以人为本”的思想,始终把学生做为教学过程的主体,让学生积极参与到其中来。

2. 体现了“新目标”这套教材的初衷,设计了和学生生活相关的真实的教学内容,吸引并组织学生积极参与,让学生动起来,让学生主动的去汲取知识,并在快乐中学习。

3. 学生在练习过程中体现出对used to 否定形式掌握不太熟练,要在以后的教学中加强训练。


appearance tall 高的 short矮的 of medium height中等个儿。straight hair 直发 curly hair卷发 long hair长发 short hair短发 he y重的 strong强壮的 fat胖的 thin瘦的 slim苗条的 young年轻的o...


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