
发布 2020-02-29 03:10:28 阅读 9348



does carol often2.我的女儿劳拉怕见陌生人。

my daughter laura is afraid of3.你猜怎么着?刚才我在博物馆见到了拉里。

i met larry in the museum just now.4.你的电脑和我的相似,但是你的太贵。

your computerbut yours is tooexpensive.5.文斯很瘦。医生说他的体重必须增加10磅。

vince is thin. the doctor said he must6.特德希望寒假期间拜访他的亲戚们。

ted hopesduring the winter vacation.7.这趟公交车有点太拥挤。我们乘坐下一趟吧。

the bus islet’s take the next one.


the he**y rain hasmuch soil here.答案。

section a (1a—2d)

. 1. eat out2.

meeting strangers3. guess what4. is similar to mine5.

put on ten pounds6. to visit his relatives7. a little too crowded8.

washed awaysection a (3a—grammar focus)


1. why did you射下) the flying bird?2.

are there any children playing在花园里)?3. steve saw that young man偷手机)from the store.

4. helen买了一条领带) for her father as hisbirthday gift.5.

there’s a(n传统民间故事) about this festival.6. very long before there was a king.

he wanted长生不老).7. it’s a bike呈……形状) a guitar.

8. when did americans开始……的传统) coloring hard-boiled eggs on easter?ⅱ.



scotton the bed just now.2.莫娜拒绝帮助她弟弟,因为她太忙了。

monabecause she was toobusy.3.女神通过实现他的愿望感谢了他。

the goddesshis wish come true.4.在我们学校小组学习正变得越来越受欢迎。

it isto study in groups inour school.5.李文新有两个表弟。一个住在北京,另一个住在上海。

li wenxin has two cousinslives in beijinglives in shanghai.ⅲ.根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

1. what an amazing program it isthe program is!2.

you needn’t finish your work work today.3. my brother and i are going to the library brother and ito the library tomorrow.

4. cindy is too young to go to the cinema isyoungshe can’t go to the cinema alone.

5. to talk to someone about your problems is a good ideato someoneabout your problems.答案。

section a (3a—grammar focus)

. 1. shoot down2.

in the garden 3. stealing / steal a mobile phone4. bought a tie5.

traditional folk story6. to live forever7. in the shape of

8. start the tradition ofⅱ. 1. laid out his books

2. refused to help her brother3. thanked him by ******

4. becoming more and more popular5. one; and the otherⅲ.

1. how amazing2. don’t h**e to finish

3. plan to go4. so; that

5. it’sa good idea to talksection b (1a—2b)


1. at the party, greg装扮成) the monkey king.2.

the radio传播消息) as soon as it happened.3. the only thing carl seems to在意) is his work.

4. he invited me to a dance after the show在平安夜).5.

they took the wrong train and最后处于) at a small station.6. if she is sleeping when you come back, don’t叫醒她).

she’s too tired.

7. of course i’m not捉弄你). how can you say such a thing?


1.骑马很有趣。(it; fun2.

你认为你的新朋友怎么样?(think of3.谢谢你提醒我时间。




答案。section b (1a—2b)

. 1. dressed up as2.

spread the news3. care about4. on christmas eve5.

ended up6. wake her up

7. playing a trick / joke on youⅲ. 1. it’s fun to ride a horse.

2. what do you think of your new friend?3.

thank you for reminding me of the time.4. i warned amy not to walk home alone.

5. ben promised to wait for me at the school gate.6.

everyone expected us to win the football match, but we lost.7. they decided to continue their study / studying / to study though it was very



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