
发布 2020-02-29 03:09:28 阅读 7269


1. 挤满了…;be crowded with

2. 回来be back=come back

3. 看起来有趣be interesting/fun to watch

4. 他们多么漂亮!how pretty they are!

5. 在假期on (one’s)vacation

6. 外出吃饭eat out

7. 至少at least

8. 增加(重量)put on

9. 一个购物的好地方a good place to go shopping=a good place for shopping

10. 全世界all over the world

11. 将有去某地be going to sp.

12. 两周后(将来时中)in two weeks

13. 听起来有趣sounds interesting/like fun

14. 一年中最热的月份the hottest of the year

15. 与…相似be similar to

16. 56个民族56 peoples

17. …的时间the time of

18. 互相泼水throw water at each other

19. 洗去wash away

20. 有好运气h**e good luck

21. 最感人的the most touching

22. 名变复f变ve, wife,shelf,wolf,23. 射下shoot down

24. 无论谁whoever=no matter who

25. 长生不老live forever

26. 计划做某事plan to do sth.

27. 拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.

28. 飞到……上去fly up to

29. 摆出lay out

30. 赏月admire the moon

31. 与……分享某物share sth. with

32. 结果as a result

33. 变轻了become light

34. 在中秋节on mid-autumn day

35. 做某事的好时间a good time to do sth.=a good time for doing sth.

36. 一个,另一个one ,the other

37. 送给某人礼物send a gift to sb.

38. 带某人外出吃饭take sb. out for dinner

39. 越来越…,adj.+er and adj.+er/more and more +多音节形容词。

40. 做某事是……it is +n. +to do sth.

41. 给某人穿衣服dress sb. up

42. 装扮成dress up as

43. 你认为…怎么样?what do you think of…?

44. 打开turn on

45. 关上turn off

46. 要某物ask for sth.

47. 看起来吓人look scary

48. 捉弄某人play a trick on sb.

49. 变得受欢迎become popular

50. 在那天on that day

51. 想起think of

52. …的真正含义the true meaning of

53. 由……写的written by

54. 关心care about

55. 赚钱make money=earn money

56. 死去的be dead

57. 做生意do business

58. 因公出差on business

59. 过去常常used to do sth.

60. 警告某人(不)做某事warn sb. (not)to do sth.

61. 以……结束end up doing sth./end up with sth.

62. 期待某人做某事expect sb to do sth.

63. 使某人想起remind sb. of sth.

64. 带某人去做某事take sb. to to sth.

65. 醒来wake up

66. 发现find out

67. 决定做某事decide to do sth.

68. 答应做某事promise to do sth.

69. 有需要的in need

70. 用……招待某人treat sb. with sth.

71. 给……以生命give birth to

72. …的象征the symbol of

73. 把……向四处分散spread around

74. 不仅,而且not only, but also

75. 分发give out


unit9 i like music that i can dance to.短语归纳 1.expect to do sth.期望干 expect sb.to do sth 期望某人干 2.catch up with 追上,赶上 3.different kinds of music 各种不同的 4....


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