
发布 2022-08-06 19:21:28 阅读 1689

p331. be made of/from 由……制成;

be made in 由……地方制造。

be made into 被制成……;

be made up of 由……组成。

2. look nice 看起来好看。

3. grammar 语法。




2.现在完成时:h**e/has been +done

3.现在进行时: am/is/are being done



1. 划分句子成分找宾语--即动作的承受者。

2. 判断宾语的单复数--即be动词的单复数。

3. 判断动词的时态--即be动词的时态。

4. 修改谓语的形式--即原句动词改为done

5. 修改原句的主语--即by+ 宾语(原主语).

they make shoes in that factory.

→shoes are made by them.

宾变主,主变宾,谓动变成be done 形,人称、数、格随着变)

p341. at the art and science fair 在科学艺术博览会上

2. environmental protection 环境保护。

3. leaf n.→(pl.)le**es wide adj. →adv. widely

model plane 一架飞机模型。

5. be famous/known for 因……而著名。

be famous/known as 作为……而著名。

eg: lu xun is famous for his great novels.

lu xun is famous as a great writer.

producer n. 生产商。

product n. 产品。

production n. 生产,产量。

7. as far as i know 据我所知

8. pick by hand 手工采摘

9. on the sides of mountains 在山边。

10. it seems that=sb seem to do

11. all over the world=all around the world 全世界;世界各地。

p35 36

1. search for 搜索

2. france n. 法国→adj. french法国的。

3. no matter what=whatever

no matter 不论, 无论后接特殊疑问词how / when / where /which/who /what = 特殊疑问词+ ever 表示 “无论怎样 / 何时/**/哪个/谁/什么”引导让步状语从句。

no matter what he does , i believe him .

whatever he does , i believe him .

4. **oid v. 避免,回避 **oid doing sth . 避免做某事

5. everyday things 日用品 everyday adj. 每天的 , 日常的

every day 每日,每天相当于频率副词,做时间状语。

he reads everyday english every day .

6. continue v. 继续,连续。

continue to do sth . 继续做另一件事情

continue doing sth . 继续做原来的事情。

after he finished reading a novel , he continued to play games with his friends . 他读完**后跟朋友们继续玩游戏。

7. find (found , found ) v.发现,发觉

find it + adj. +to do sth .

i find it very difficult to learn english well .


find it + adj. +that-clause

i find it relaxing that i can lie on the beach .


find sb. doing sth 发现某人正在做某事

i found some boys swimming in the river .


8. germany n. 德国→adj. german 德国的。

v. 允许, 准许

allow doing sth 允许做某事。

allow sb. to do sth 允许某人做某事。

be allowed to do sth . 被允许做某事

it’s not allowed to smoke here . 这儿不允许吸烟。

p371. find out 查明,弄清

2. know/learn about 知道,了解。

3. many different kinds of =all kinds of 各种各样的。

4. fly/make a kite 放/制作风筝。

5. an international kite festival 国际风筝节。

international adj.→ n. internation

6. competitor n. →v. compete go on vacation 去度假。


1. turn……into…… 把……变成…… put on 张贴。

2. according to 根据,按照 in trouble 在困境中。

3. be covered with 被……覆盖 rise into 上升到, 升入。

4. as symbols of 作为……的象征 over=more than 超过,多于。

5. h**e / has been around 这是习语 ,意思是“已经存在”

poetry has been around for centuries .诗歌已经存在几个世纪了。

6. lively 有生机的,活泼的多作定语。

alive 活着的多作表语

7. it takes sb. +时间 + to do sth.

on sth

sb. spend +金钱/时间+

in doing sth

sb. pay + 钱数 for sth.

sb. pay for sth.

sth. cost + 钱数 (vi.)

sth. cost + sb. +钱数 (vt.)


九年级,英语,unit5,知识点,unit5,语法,知识,一般,unit5 语法知识 一般现在时态的被动。一 概念理解 1.时态 在英语语言中,时态主要讨论行为动词发生的时间。如 he often helps me with my english.他经常帮助我学英语。help这个动作经常发生ofte...


petitor用法。competitor可数名词,意为 参赛者,竞争者 拓展 动词 compete,竞争,比赛。名词 competition比赛 可数 竞争 不可数 用法。1 turn用作不及物动词时,意为 转向 翻转 turnright left turntotheright left 2 tur...


一 重点短语。beadeof.由。制成。beadein.在。制造。benonfor.以 闻名。theartandsciencefair艺术与科学展览会。aodelplane飞机模型。beadefro.由 制成。inthepast在过去。onthesidesofountains在山腰。手工做 全世界。...