
发布 2020-04-12 12:21:28 阅读 6990



unit 7 will people h**e robots?

1. words & phrases: robot, *****, less, fewer,etc.

2. will构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答。


学习3. there be句型的一般将来时。内容。

解析4. more , less , fewer的用法。



知识与能力:1. there will be…will there be…?

yes, there will. /no, there won’t.教学目标。

2. will…?

yes …will. /no …won’t.

3. more/fewer/less

to learn to make predictions

to learn to use future with will

过程与方法:listening and speaking methods情感、态度与价值观:

1. will构成一般将来时态的句式。


2. there be句型的一般将来时态。3. more, fewer, less的用法。4. how to make predictions.


listening and speaking methodswill构成一般将来时态的句式。there be句型的一般将来时态。

more, fewer, less的用法。试做以下试题:

earn __money than my sister.

are __cars parking outside today than h**e __students this year than last year.

ought to smoke __cigarettes and drink __beer.5. we __buy) him a pen for his birthday next week.

6. i___call) you when i get there.

7. if it is sunny tomorrow, weh**e) a picnic outside.8.

i __tell) him the news when i see him at the office.9. there___not be) a football match next month.




examples: iwillh**e english classes this afternoon. iwon’tgo to school tomorrow.

交流。the form of the usage is:will+ verb. won’t+ verb

预习。now let’s h**e a game to make sentences withwill, won’t and to see who will say the most

sentences withwill,won’t

what do you think the life will be like in 100 years?


will every home h**e a car?

will students study at home on computers?will people h**e robots in their homes?will people live to be 200 years old?

will kids go to school?

what will happen in 100 years?

free talk

t: do you think there will be robots in people’shomes?s:

yes, there will. i think every home will h**e a will be fewer trees.

will be more people.拓展。

there will be more pollution.

延伸。there will be more buildings.

a: will there be more people?

b: no, there won’t. there will be fewer will there be more pollution?

b: no, there won’t. there will be less pollution, because there will bemore trees.

step4.--what’s your prediction about the future?互助---i think there will be more pollution.

提高---really? i don’t think so. but i think there will be fewer trees.






助动词shall / will +v.原形(shall与will的区别)3、基本句型:4、时间状语:

there will be less water.


there be句型的一般将来时态。

unit1will people h**e robots?

板书设计。---what’s your prediction about the future?--i think there will be more pollution.

---really? i don’t think so. but i think there will be fewer trees.

作业布置。i. fill in the blanks with the right form of the given verbs.

1. whatyou __do) this sunday?therebe) a football match.

__yougo) with us?

2. igo) to see your father as soon as i get to beijing.3. i think itbe) rainy tomorrow.

4. my fathersend) me a new bike when i am tall enough.5.

wevisit) the great wall next monday.

6. whogive) us a talk on the computer in two days?

7. theybuild) a new modern house near the river next year.8.

i want to know if hebe) back choice

1. are youyour winter holiday next week?

a. going to h**eb. will h**ec. hadd. you often __from your parents?

a. heardb. hearsc. to heard. hear

3.__lucyher homework in her room now?a.

is, doingb. does, doc. do, dod.

did, dances better than mary __

a. isb. hasc. doesd. _up at five o’ will getb. gotc. getd. gets

___four english classes a week last hasb. h**ec. hadd. are h**ing

2011上海】7. we are glad to hear that the greens __to a new flat next movedc. will moved.

h**e moved

2011山东威海】8.—mom, when can i go out to play football?—finish your homework first, or ilet you go don'tb.

didn'tc. won'td. h**en't



本课重点 复习 be going to句型,一般将来时,形容词比较级和最高级。精讲 副词,副词的比较级和最高级,there be句型,h e got过程及步骤 一 检查作业并讲评 二 课前热身 了解学生对以上语法点的掌握情况。三 内容讲解 副词的用法,副词比较级及最高级的变化形式及用法,there ...


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本课重点 复习 be going to 句型,一般将来时,形容词比较级和最高级。精讲 副词,副词的比较级和最高级,there be句型,h e got 过程及步骤 一 检查作业并讲评 二 课前热身 了解学生对以上语法点的掌握情况。三 内容讲解 副词的用法,副词比较级及最高级的变化形式及用法,ther...