
发布 2022-09-25 03:36:28 阅读 8847





一、听力理解(20分) 晃晃脑袋热热身,竖起耳朵,来攻克难关吧。

. 听句子,选择与句子内容相符的**(其中有一幅多余)(5分)

. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语。(5分)

6. a. maryb. his name is eric. c. i’m gina.

7. a. yes, i h**e one. b. yes, i doc. yes, i am.

8. a. it’s black. b. yes, it is. c. it’s in the backpack.

9. a. yes, i do. b. yes, thank youc. no, i don’t.

10. a. that’s a baseball. b. no, it isn’t. c. that sounds good.

. 听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)

11. what color is the chair?

a. red b. blue c. yellow

12. the boy has a

a. tennis ball b. volleyball c. ping-pong ball

13. the girl likes

a. pears b. strawberries c. oranges

14. where is the ruler?

a. in the backpack. b. on the desk. c. under the backpack.

15. the girl likes fruit for___

a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner




a. u b. r c. f d. l


a. f b. w c. i d. e

23. 衣服的大号用___表示,中号用___表示,小号用___表示。

a. s24.下列字母中以元音因素开头,但不是元音字母的是。

25. 联合国的英文缩写是___

26. 下列字母中含有相同元音因素的是。

a. r, a b. e, i c. o, u d. h, j

27.you can find your id card __the lost and found case.

a. at b. in c. on d. for

28. i___twelve years old and my friend __thirteen years old.

a. is, is b. am, am c. is, are d. am, is

29. i see anon the table.

a. book b. pen c. watch d. id card

30. the set of keyshis brother’s.

a. be b. are c. is d. am

31. don’t forget to call me887-6756.

a. on b. in c. at d. of

32. thanks __the photo __your family.

a. for, for b. for, of c. on, for d. of, for

33. this is my friendname is tony.

a. hisb. your c. her d. my

34do you spell “pen” ?


a. how b. what c. where d. who

35. -are those your friends?

---nothey are his friends.

a. he isn’t b. they are c. they aren’t d. they aren’t

36. what's this __english?

a. in b. at c. to d. for

37. the apples arethe tree, and a bird is __the tree.

a. on, on b. in, in c. on, in d. in, on

38. hi! this is __new teacher.__name is linda.

a.your;my b.his;your c.your;her d.her;his

39. -nice to meet you

a. thank you! b.

how do you do? c. nice to meet you, too!

d. the same to you!

40. his name is alan smith. hisname is smith

a. first b. given c. last d. english

41. this is __orange. _orange is on the dresser.

a. a, a b. an, an c. a, an d. an, the

42. here __some boys and a girl in the room .

a. is b. am c. be d. are

43. my father is a teacherhis father is a worker.

a. but b. and c. or d. so

44. -sit down, please !

a. hello. b. you sit down. c. thank you! d. ok.

45. if a = 10, b = 6, then “a-b -1

a. four b. five c. there d. three


this is a 46__ of mike’s family. this man 47__ mr. green.

48___is mike’s father. _49 woman is mrs green. 50__ is mike’s mother.

who 51 __this boy and 52___girl? the 53___is mike, mr. green’s son.

the 54__ is kate, mr. green’s daughter. kate is 55 _ sister.

mike and kate are sister and brother.


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