
发布 2022-09-25 03:20:28 阅读 7886

unit1—unit5 期中测试卷。


一. 根据句意和首字母,填入适当的单词。(5分)

1. look at the cat. it’s u the chair.

2. is this ysoccer?

3. i can’t find my pens, w are they?

4. what’s your telephone ntony?

5. my pencils a in my pencil box.

二. 单项选择。(15分)

6is the cd?

---it’s under the bed.

a. howb. where who

7nice to meet you

a. hellob. i’m fine c. oh, yes d. nice to meet you, too

---s-u-e, sue.

a. do you know sueb. can you spell your name

c. is it your named. how do you spell your name

9. -your english is very good

a. no, no b. no, it isn’t c. it’s not good d. thank you

10. she has an

a. map b. oranges c. bookd . eraser

11is your notebook?

---it’s green.

a. whereb. what c. what color d. how

---they’re fine, thank you.

a. how are youb. how do you do

c. what are theyd. how are your parents

13. -do you like your school?

a. i like. b. yes, i am. c. yes, i do. d. no, i do.

14. look atthe map. it’s a mapchina.

a. onb. in

15. tom and jimin grade one.

a.am b.is c.ared.be

16. let’s __and play games.

a. gob. to goc. going d. goes

17. -thank you very much

a.thank you. b.that's all right. c.no d.good

18. the question is not easy. it’s very

a.difficultb.fun c.relating d.not difficult

19. my friend rose __like apples. but she __bananas and oranges.

a. doesn’t, like b. doesn’t, likes c. don’t , likes d. don’t, like

20. are my cousins, and is my brother.

a. this; that b. these; those c. those; that d. that; this

三. 完型填空。通过短文,选出最佳答案。(15分)

my name 31 bill. i’m 32 english boy. i’m twelve.

i’m a middle school student. li lei is my 33 . we’re in the same class.

here is a picture 34 his family. look, this is his 35. he is a policeman(警察).

his 36 is a teacher(老师) of english. she is a good teacher. bill has 37 sisters.

38 are twins(双胞胎). their 39 are fang fang and yuan yuan. they h**e a cat(猫).

we are good 40 ,too.

amb. isc. ared. call

an cd. the

cousin c. friendd. teacher

inc. ofd. for

parents b. mother c. grandparents d. father

36. a. parents b. mother c. grandparents d. father

37. a. ab. one c. twod. three

38. a. sheb. he c. wed. they

39. a. name b. names c. family names d. first name

40. a. family b. parentsc. friendsd. names

四. 补全对话,每空一词(10分)

a: hi, sally. 41these your books?

b: no, they are bob’s.

a: what about the green pen?

b: it’s anna’s. and the blue pen is 42too.

a: 43you h**e a red pen?

b: no, i don’t. but i h**e a football. i 44football very well.

a: great. i like playing football very much. i think it is very 45

五. 根据情景提示,用恰当的短语或句子填空。(25分)

46. 老师给你安排了个新同桌,你想知道她的名字,你可以这么问:

47. jane 想知道全家福里最边上的两个人是谁,你想告诉她他们是你的舅舅和舅妈,你会这么说:

48. 你要在公告栏里告诉大家你的手表丢了,你的**号码是0592111,找到请打给你,你会写:

49. 你爸爸找不到他的飞机模型了,你告诉他你的飞机模型在桌子底下,你可以这么说:

50. bill 问你喜不喜欢棒球,你想告诉他你不喜欢棒球,你觉得棒球太无聊了。你可以这么说:

六. 书面表达(30分)

mike 是一个体育用品收藏爱好者,他收藏的有8个乒乓球拍,5个网球拍,10个篮球,7个排球,4个足球,但他没有收藏到棒球,他不仅喜爱运动,而且还喜欢看电视。



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