
发布 2022-09-11 02:11:28 阅读 1868

unit 1









unit 2

1. 在奥运会上所放飞的鸽子象征着和平。(尝试用非谓语动词作定语)

the doves released at the olympic games stand for peace.

the doves which are released at the olympic games stand for peace.

2. 如果人们能被说服多吃水果和蔬菜,那么死于心脏病的人的数量会大大减少(heart disease, reduce)。

if people can be persuaded to eat more fruit and vegetables, the number of people who die of heart disease will be greatly reduced.

die of/die from

die of 死因存在于人体之上或之内(主要指疾病、衰老等自身的原因)+ illness/heart trouble/cancer/a fever

die from死因由环境造成的(主要指事故等方面的外部原因)+an earthquake/ a traffic accident/a lightening/a stroke

die of/from死因环境影响到体内,即两方面共有的原因+ a drink/a wound/overwork/starvation/hunger/ cold

3. 比尔因为运动会推迟的事情不高兴,我也高兴不起来。(delay)

bill isn’t happy for the delay of the sports meeting, and nor/neither am i.

bill is unhappy for the delay of the sports meeting. so am i.

bill isn’t happy because the sports meeting is delayed, and nor am i.

4. 他最终向警察承认他也加入了犯罪活动。(crime)

finally he admitted to the police that he joined in the crime as well.

finally he admitted to the police that he also took part in the crime.

crime = criminal activities)

5. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(train)

he has been training for a very long time, so he deserves to win the game.

he has been training for such a long time, so he deserves the victory of the match.

he had trained for a very long time, so he deserved to win the competition.

6. 他决定每隔一天去看望他的父母而不是每三天。

he decided to visit his parents every other day in place of every three days.

he decided to visit his parents every two days instead of every three days.

he decided to visit his parents every second day rather than every third day.

every + 数词(大于1)+ 时间名词复数。

every + 序数词 + 时间名词单数: 每。。。每隔。。。

eg. every two days = every other day = every second day

every few days

every four years = every fourth year


7. 去年夏天他遇见了他想娶的那个女孩子。(用强调句型)

it’s last summer that he met the girl (whom/who) he wanted to marry/get married to.

module 2 units 3

1. 就本人而言,他们彼此之间并没有共同之处。

personally (speaking), they h**e nothing in common with each other.

2. 随着时间的推移,他的梦想都一个接一个地实现了。

as time went by, his dreams came true/were realized one after another.

with time going by, his dreams h**e come true/been realized one after another.

3. 这场台风导致了几千人的死亡。(两个)

the typhoon resulted in thousands of deaths/people’s death.

the typhoon led to thousands of deaths/people’s death.

4. 他是那么的优秀,大家都对他评价很高。(倒装)

so excellent is he that we all speak highly of him.

5. 我们应该好好利用时间。(被动)

our time should be made good use of.

6. 许多健康问题是由污染引起的。(两个句子)

many health problems arise out of/from pollution.

many health problems result from pollution.


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